Chapter 6

The light above me flickers slowly as my eyes blink open. The steady rhythm of heartbeat shows on the monitor attached to my hand. The room is neat and all white and that sterile smell.

Suddenly I wasn't brave enough to look around. The more I stared at the white walls ahead of me the more I was pulled back into the past.

I am very well aware of the situation.

He knows where I'm.

He knows.

I choke on my own saliva as I try to breath and breath, taking every ounce of oxygen I can take in my lungs.

The sound of the heart monitor increased and suddenly someone was there in the room. I don't know him, he was in pale blue scrubs, his eyes dark brown but as I stared at his eyes, I was more on edge to give into my nightmare.

He's not him.

My hand suddenly grips my neck as I try to get rid of the collar but I am met with nothing but I can feel it, I can feel how it suffocates me, how it bends me to his will.

"What's wrong, Xavier?" The cold voice rings through the air.



"Hey kiddo?"

It feels similar. The voices and I open my eyes as I meet with pale blue eyes.

"Yes, baby, that's it, just concentrate on me and breathe, one at a time" he says slowly approaching, taking my hands in his big ones, completely fisting it in his.

"Slowly, just one breath at time, deep breath" he says, I can feel someone's hand grabbing my head, pushing the hair out of my face. Instead of being a freak for being touched, it calms me.

Suddenly I jerked my hands back, I hung my head, burying my face into my hands. I've lived through enough panic attacks to know when one was scaling my body, I can feel it's Poison pumping through my veins, millions of tiny pins pricking at my skin, everything needing to be unleashed. To give in that thrust, and it makes me absolutely terrified.

It strikes, strikes and strikes until I let it control me.

The strong pair of arms swept around my hunched form, effortlessly lifting me and pulling me in their lap, the warmth almost making the coldness I felt go away.

That wintermint smell.

"You're safe, baby" I almost want to cry at his softest tone. His big hands gently rubbed at my back as he held me close.

"Dad" I mumbled in his chest, my hands moved forward as I clutched his suit in my fist. I felt him stiffened at word but he relaxed, exhaling breath.

"Yes, mio amore" he whispers, planting kisses on my top of head.

"I don't wanna stay here" I said, my voice breathless.

His posture went almost rigid, his breathing stopped as his hand also came to halt which was caressing my back a moment ago.

"What?" He exhales roughly.

"Can I go back to my room?" I mumbled, still not looking up. I don't wanna face anyone now.

His features relax instantly as he draws out shaky breath.

I didn't hear his answer but instead I felt him getting up as he held me close and I clung to him like a baby koala.

he felt like home, the warmth and safety.

"Sleep" his voice was like Lullaby more than order as I let the exhaustion sweep in again.


When I woke up again, I was in room but not my room. This room was all black and brown. Dare I say, it's more space full and rich then mine one but still all so simple. I badly needed to pee, so I climbed out of bed, and assumed that the left side door would lead to the bathroom, but I went into the closet. The racks are full of suits and suits and fancy watches and ties.

Foty's room.

Damn, he does have an obsession with suits and all dark themes.

There was a door on the right side which I'm presuming to be a bathroom and quickly I got inside and finished my business hastily.

As I stared at my reflection it was hard to not cringe.

I look like a freak,

That you're-

Oh, you're still alive there? Bitch.

My hair was sticking out, my hospital gown was changed into oversized hoodies and comfortable shorts, which looked more like pants. My eyes were dull, my cheeks had dry tear stains coating. Skin pale, and there was a small bandage on my forehead and bandage on my wrist.

Damn, am I Missing something?

I lift the hoodie up as I stare at my side. My wound was closed and bandaged perfectly, the little stains of medicine and blood mixed showing through the thick cotton pad.

I know I needed to get down and face them.

I really don't want to.

I huffed, exhaling a large breath as I washed my face with cold water and put my hair into a messy bun.

When I dart out into the room, the clock says 7 in the evening. So close to dinner.

After smacking myself to be brave and little pep talk, I plaster a smile on my face and stomp out of the room. There were heavy voices coming from the living room.

It looks like an argument?

Should I eavesdrop?

Might get some information about why we're getting attacked in the middle of the damn day while eating.

Poor fries and burger-

There was only slight pain in my side and nothing much when I descended down the stairs.

I made it to the living room, the men spread out everywhere.

God, so much population my grandpa had popped.

"You still didn't say, why are you here?" I recognise that cold voice. It was from Foty, he was sitting on the sofa and he was talking to someone.

"Where's she?" The man spoke.

Why does the voice sound familiar?

I almost forget the last step as I step into the line of their sight.

Foty's jaw was clenched as he glared hardly at the man. It almost looks like he'll kill him with just glare. It should terrify me for my life but I know he wouldn't hurt me.

I just know.

Like daughter tingles?

Foty's eyes snapped to mine direction as he glared at me.

Am I supposed to sleep in my room silently?

Oops, wrong timing.

The man's head snapped back as he looked at me and he looked at me like he couldn't believe I'm here.

My eyes widen as I look at the person.

"Oh my god, D" I was lurching forward in his direction, tackling him in a big hug.

That damn man didn't even stagger back as he held me up, hugging me back.

Damn, as I saw him I realized how much I missed him.

He pulls away for a moment, letting my feet touch the ground.

"What the fuck had happened and why didn't you called me?" He snapped angrily but let me tell you, he's such a teddy bear.

"I forgot?" It comes out more like questions.

"Where's my baby?" The loud screech appeared and I was yanked out of demitri's arm and into another warm one.

"Chrisssss" I squeak out his name, damn I'm going to die.

"Can't breathe-" I tried to tap on his back but it was like tapping on the wall.

I huffed before I pinch on his arm, and he immediately released me.

I glared at him but he wasn't even fazed by it.

"You're in so much trouble, you little piece of shit," he spoke, glaring at me, his eyes narrow but still mischief sparking in orbs.

"For what?" I raised my eyebrow.

"For giving us a heart attack by disappearing suddenly" he spoke.

"I told you I just forgot" I pout as I slumped myself into the sofa. Everyone in the room is now looking at me like I've grown two heads.

"Please repeat this word when Damien gets here," Chris said, slumping himself beside me, resting his arm behind my shoulder.

Is he ignoring the intensity of glares he is receiving right now?



The sudden knots in my stomach start to unfurl in fear and also excitement to see him again after three months and also in anger cause I really don't want to see his smug face.

"When did he come back from the mission?" I asked him, irritated.

"I'm hurt that even though I'm here, you missed that asshole," Chris said, putting hand on his chest, faking innocent and fake tears.

"Shut up," the heat flushed to the tip of my skin. I ain't gonna talk to that asshole, he can rot in hell that's all I cared about.


Shut up bitch!

Fine, maybe I just need to shut now and put my hearty hormones back in the closet with a lock.

The throat clearing interprets our conversation.

Foty cleared his throat, glaring at two men before he looked at me. His eyes softened before he spoke.

Suddenly I was embarrassed, damn I called him dad? Even though he's my dad but it's still weird to call out that word cause I never had to in the past.

"You know them?" He asked, even though I didn't detect anger, I can say he's beyond annoyed at the piece of information.

"Yeah?" It came out more like a question.

Wait, did he know them?

"Wait, do you know them?" I asked in the same tone, copying his actions, as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"We're alli- " silas's voice out but foty Beat him first.

"We're friends?"

I deepen my stare at him as he holds his stare too. No one backing down.

"Wait, holy fuck- shit shit shit-" I mumbled wide eyes looking at everyone as I leaned forward on the sofa and realised.

I look at my grandpa who's watching me out of curiosity, even foty, Demetri was watching me with his famous poker face like Foty but I know he is also confused.

"Foty's last name is De luca, The Alexander de Luca and he's your friend, and only de Luca friend of your I know is the italian mafia, ah fuck - you guys are italian mafia" I practically yelled as i stand up on sofa.

"Jeez, you're so loud"

"The fuck?" I was staring at everyone with wide eyes as they chuckled and stared at me with amusement.


"This isn't time for fucking language lessons, oh my god, is that why you guys are so Richie rich and you've bodyguards," I glared, hands on my hip.

Foty drawled out literal sigh as he stood up and come towards me, I didn't want to take step back but i still did because damn, this man here can kill me in second burying me under this very sofa and he'll seat drinking his damn whiskey like he didn't murder me.

His eyes flashes in disbelief and hurt as he stands before me.

For once I did have a height advantage, even if it's just two inches but still.

"I won't hurt you, amore" he says, as he took my slightly trembling and cold hand in his. His were warm as he pulled me down and let my feet touch the ground.

"Why didn't you tell me, when I ask what job you Guys do?" I asked.

He closes his eyes momentarily like he's asking God to give him all universal energy to answer my simple question.

"I was just - " he stops looking in my eyes. His eyes are the same as mine.

"I was just afraid that you might leave us, - me" his voice was cold and blank but I still can feel the edge of fear in his eyes.

My heart is in a puddle muffin, Aww.

"I just want to protect you, but it seems like words about your existence already fly out" his voice was laced with anger, but not towards me.

Protect me-

How wrong he is to think that.

No one can protect me, even if they are able to protect me from this cruel world, they can't protect me from myself.

"I don't wanna leave you guys, even though some are A with double SS, holes," I replied, as I wrapped my arms around his torso and burying my face into his chest as I fought hard to not cry and make a fool of myself.

"Are you calling me an asshole?" Luciano and Damon both grunted together.

Foty chuckled as I pulled away from him and glanced at two of them.

"I didn't mention the name though" I smirked at them.

"You bitc-"

"Complete that word and you will regret it" Foty said glaring at Damon who just glared back and snorted like a pig.

"How do you know where I'm?" I asked after the family drama was completed as all took their seats at the dining table, eating the delicious food. After the hell chaos I feel freakishly hungry.

"The guard informed me that you again sneak out" he glared harshly at me as he spoke, his russian accent smooth.

"When I am finally able to get hold of that idiot, I get to know that bitch is dead and your custody is gone to your legal guardian" he said, giving a small glare to foty before turning back to me.

"And this motherfucker here-" he pointed towards Foty as he just rolled his eyes at him.

"He clearly hacked into the security and changed the data, he even secured the file so no one can hack into it" he grimaced.

Damn, that's really awwdorable?

"So, how did you find me?" I asked, now clearly curious.

Chris and Demitri smirk in my direction.

"Shit no- he didn't" I groaned as I facepalm myself.

"I'm confused, who is he?" Aaron muttered as he stared at them and then at me.

"The poor officer seems like he's scarred for life," Chris chuckled.

"I'm gonna kill him" I hissed through my teeth.

"Wanna repeat the words again princess?"

Don't get your ovaries in a flutter and don't look back.

Just don't , period.

The room fell silent and there's a unknown tension building in it. Not just me but everyone else is also clenching their fist and gaze sharp as an eagle.

Even if I don't look back I know he's watching me with that smug smirk on his face, the footsteps approaching more closely as I stare at my plate, killing the poor potato with a fork.

Just don't look at him.

"Cat got your tongue?" He asked, his hand coming in contact with my shoulder.

Damn, those freakish hands.

He squeezed them a little, and I was already looking up at him as he towers over my small frame.


There he is.

He smiles, showing his pearly teeth. His dark blonde hair is miserable but still so sexy, his gray eyes flashes in quicksilver as he watches me. His full plump lips are so kissable like you might just wanna lick them. High cheekbones and sharp jawline and that small scar on his left eyebrow, it makes him look like a more dangerous beast.

"Hii" he says softly.

"Is he fucking smiling?" Aaron's shocked voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I was still staring at him. The heat scorched in every part of my body.

"Hey" my voice was breathless.

Fuck, I hate him for that.

"Take your hands off from her if you don't want me to ripped them out of your arms"

Shit >