Chapter 19

Alexander De'luca's pov.

The glass shattered on the floor a bit too dramatically.

"Fuck" I muttered as I pinch the bridge of my nose. When I look at the time, it's past midnight. Everyone is already asleep. I should be sleeping too but I couldn't.

I closed the folder which has all the information about attacks recently. Not just on our mafia but all over the other mafia families. They are interconnected. Whoever the fucker is, thinks he is smart and two steps ahead but everyone makes mistakes. The overconfidence makes mistakes and I plan to put an end to it.

In the last shipment, millions were stolen, so many of my men dying. I do not care about money but those men were loyal to this mafia and dedicated their life to us. I couldn't bring them back nor look after their family the way they did but at least I can find the murderer and justice their death.