Gavriel has come to his senses

Hans packed everything he needed and asked Axel to help look after Gavriel. Gavriel's bleeding has been resolved with the treatment Hans provided. Because three of his ribs were broken, several lacerations appeared on his body, from the Hyena's claws and bites. It took time until he regained consciousness and recovered his condition.

Hans in a day, back and forth, many times checking. He changed the bandages and gave medicine to Gavriel and Anindira. He also cleaned their bodies.

Barley porridge or corn porridge mixed with medicinal spices became Anindira and Gavriel's daily food for several days. As night fell, Halvir and Hans, both of them sleeping on either side of Anindira, gave her extra warmth.


After five days, Gavriel finally regained consciousness. Axel told Anindira the whole situation. Gavriel was shocked and immediately got out of bed to meet Anindira. Luckily, Hans came and immediately stopped him.

''Don't be stupid Gavriel!'' cried Hans, ''You are no longer alone... You have a partner now, he is your responsibility.''

''Shut up and nurse yourself until you get well, then you meet him! If you meet Anindira now, you haven't even had the chance to see him. Your head will separate from your body first,'' continued Hans, warning Gavriel.

''Even in good health, you are no match. Love your life! Besides, what Anindira is with now is his guardian, the legal guardian recognized by Anindira... You're the one who cornered him, remember that!'' Hans shouted, suppressing Gavriel's guilt so he would obey.

Gavriel's head could only bow in regret, even though Gavriel lost his sanity at that moment. But slowly, little by little, he began to be able to remember everything that happened in the Blue Forest. Coupled with Axel's earlier explanation, everything clarifies the memories that were initially vague.

Gavriel's chest immediately felt full, making his breath short, his blood was hot. However, his body felt cold. Making him shiver and tremble. Gavriel felt angry with himself, remembering all the brutality he had when he raped Anindira.

Regret and heartbreak, mixed with his connection from the mate's bond that had been pinned between him and his only mate, namely Anindira.

Gavriel is Anindira's partner now. His soul and Anindira's soul are intertwined with each other. Starting from that day, Gavriel and Anindira will be able to feel each other's existence as well as their emotions. Instantly, his legs gave out and he fell to the ground. Gavriel felt the pain and broken heart of Anindira. Gavriel's tears fell down his cheeks, his hand pressed against his chest, and there was an unexplainable pain in his heart. Gavriel, who was in a frenzy because of the emotions welling up in his heart, immediately stood up, about to run out.

Gavriel, who was hysterical, was immediately restrained by Hans with the help of Axel. They reflexively immediately caught Gavriel's body, who was struggling with all his might to escape.

''Calm yourself!'' shouted Axel while pulling Gavriel. He tried to push him to the bed.

''No!'' cried Gavriel while struggling, he tried to brush away Axel's hand that was holding him, ''Anindira... she's in pain, I have to see her!''

''Didn't you hear me earlier?!'' Hans shouted firmly, ''Shut up and calm down!... Heal yourself!'' Hans shouted. He was angry while pushing him.

''You don't understand, she's in pain!'' exclaimed Gavriel with an angry face. He was angry back at Hans and Axel, ''I can feel it...'' said Gavriel while continuing to struggle.

But, he was immediately grabbed by Axel, who also became furious at seeing Gavriel's behavior.



Axel threw him onto the bed, then immediately held Gavriel's body with his elbow pressing Gavriel's neck.

''STUPID!'' cried Axel, glaring right at Gavriel's face, ''I know!... I also have a mate... But, you can't meet her now!'' Axel shouted again in a high-pitched voice.

''Listen!'' shouted Axel while pressing his elbow even harder to hold Gavriel's neck, ''No matter how Anindira's mind is now... she has mated with you, her soul is linked to you... maybe now she doesn't know what her heart feels... But, gradually she will realize it…”

Axel expressed his thoughts. Slowly, the hands holding Gavriel's neck and body began to relax.

“You think a little further ahead! What would he think then, if you were killed by Halvir? Before everything is clear between you and Anindira, you have to calm down and try to work things out…''

Axel looked at Gavriel seriously with his hands that were across Gavriel's neck, slowly starting to let go.

"Gavriel, I know your thoughts. I know you will think about Anindira and try to meet her. Considering that you are her partner now. But, remember, you have to be wary of Halvir now! You have already ignited the fire of enmity with Halvir. It would be very unwise if you magnified them... Think maturely, don't follow your passions! Think, to finish it peacefully…" Axel warned.

"Listen to Axel, Gavriel... he understands your feelings very well. Halvir won't just let it go. Get well! And survive from Halvir. At least you have to stay alive to be able to continue to be with Anindira…" Hans started to speak after seeing Gavriel calm down, “He knows what '*pair bond' is. So don't be naughty!''

''Try to heal yourself faster... that way, when you meet him later, at least you won't die,'' Hans warned Gavriel, ''Rest yourself well here! There are medicines that I have prepared for you. Take them regularly!''

Hans gave the order while showing Gavriel the various medicines he had prepared.

''Don't ever try to go there before I allow it!'' shouted Hans while glaring at Gavriel. He was seriously giving orders as well as warning, ''You've realized now, I'm only going to check on your condition once a day.''

When he finished with all the sermons, Hans then left him.

''Gavriel, since you are aware now I will not wait for you anymore, I will bring you game every day, the rest you can take care of yourself'' Axel said later, ''Follow all of Hans' advice, it's all for the good of all of you. Now that you have a mate, be mature, you can't just think about yourself now!''

Axel gave Gavriel sincere advice.

''Be a good boy! Give yourself a break! The sooner you recover, the sooner you can meet her…'' Axel added his advice while patting his shoulder, then left him.


''Hans, Anindira is not showing any progress at all,'' said Halvir while wiping Anindira's body. He spoke to express his worries.

''Eum,'' replied Hans, nodding, ''Anindira is still in a worrying condition, but she's a little better. The bleeding in her womb had not completely healed. However, it was no longer bleeding. His fever is still high, because of the injuries on his body... Halvir... as you said, Anindira is tough. She defended very well... Anindira will get through it, she will get through it,''

Even though worry was still implied on Hans' face, his eyes shone confidently and confidently.

''Where are you going?'' Halvir asked when he saw Hans packing his things into a bag.

''I'm going to look for medicinal herbs, there are some that have started to run out of supplies,'' Hans answered while continuing to sort out the items he would bring.

''Then who will take care of Anindira?'' Halvir asked, immediately turning to face Hans, from previously sitting facing Anindira.

''You are there to look after him, what are you afraid of?... Besides, I won't be long, it's still early, I can be back before night…'' answered Hans.

"You are going deep into the forest. What forest are you going to?" asked Halvir.

“Blue Forest, there are lots of medicinal plants I need to grow there.”

''Hans, isn't there still one Hyena who escaped? There is a possibility that he will call his flock,'' warned Halvir.

There was one Hyena who escaped in a state of serious injury during the incident. At the location, there was the smell of four Hyenas, but there were only three Hyena corpses there.

''Hm,'' nodded Hans, ''I have also confirmed it…'' Hans continued, he was a little tense when he answered Halvir.

''So the little bastard is awake?!'' shouted Halvir with an aura that suddenly looked scary now.

''Halvir!'' Hans called. He then turned from his bag and faced Halvir.

''I know you're hiding him, Hans...'' Halvir said with an expression that sent chills down his body.