Trauma Anindira

Night had come. For the last eighteen nights, they had kept the candles burning all night. They are afraid that whenever Anindira wakes up, she will panic when it gets dark. As usual, Halvir and Hans slept together in Halvir's house, while Gavriel stood downstairs. Gavriel almost always tried to stay awake. He was afraid that one day Anindira would wake up and they would need something from him.

It was still early in the night. Not long after Hans had lit the candles, Anindira woke up from her sleep. Hans immediately gave Anindira a glass of Brahmi potion water that Gavriel had prepared on Hans' orders.

''Hans! Smells different from before?'' exclaimed Halvir asked, with a serious face looking at Hans.

''Um,'' answered Hans briefly, nodding.

''Why?'' Halvir asked, focusing on Hans, ''You changed the medicine again?!'' Halvir asked again curiously.