Chapter 051 Anindira teases Halvir

Anindira and Halvir are enjoying their date after a long time, picking fruits they find along the way. Anindira enjoys the various kinds of wild berries they find. Even Anindira can eat wild grapes, although there are fewer there because it is past the end of the harvest season, only a few weeks until summer ends and it changes to the rainy season.

''That's delicious. Havi, I can't stop,'' said Anindira while continuing to chew.

Anindira has been a 'foodie' since the beginning. She enjoys eating fruits that are picked straight from the tree.

''Hey, eat slowly... your stomach will hurt!'' shouted Halvir, warning, ''Don't worry! I'll find plenty for you."

Halvir reminded Anindira with a firm intonation, but his lips didn't stop smiling.