Attack of wild wolves

It was dark, and they stopped their journey, prepared to prepare a resting place. Accompanied by Halvir, Anindira, and Lila go to wash in the river. Hans prepared the meal and Gavriel took care of the cargo and fed the cows.

''Be careful, this trip is riskier, we are bringing two women!'' shouted Hans, warning them on the sidelines of their activities.

"Um!" answered Gavriel briefly.

''I'm worried about the hyenas, they won't let go of the prey they've got easily,'' added Hans again.

Hans had felt something was off ever since they found bloodstains and bits of flesh strewn everywhere along their path earlier.

''I'm sure Halvir is aware of that, he hasn't lowered his guard at all since earlier,'' replied Gavriel, ''I noticed it earlier… he was great at getting them to retreat without a fight if it was Halvir who was by Anindira's side.''

Gavriel wailed again, full of regret, but was immediately cut off by Hans.