Anindira teases Halvir

Anindira and Halvir enjoy their date after a long time while picking the fruits they find along the way. Anindira enjoyed the various kinds of wild berries they found. Even Anindira could eat grapes, although these fruits were getting less and less because it was past the end of the harvest season, with only a few weeks left for summer to end and change to the rainy season.

''Wow, it's delicious, I can't stop... '' Anindira said as she continued to chew. She was a 'foodie' from the start, so she enjoyed eating fruits that were picked straight from the tree.

“Hey... Slowly eat it! Your stomach will hurt later…” Halvir warned, “Don't worry! I'll find a lot for you…” Halvir exclaimed again with a face that couldn't stop smiling.