Morning wood

The night had passed into the morning. As usual, Anindira always wakes up in the early morning. Hans had cooked green beans for Anindira's breakfast. Normally, beasts don't have the concept of breakfast, but Anindira taught them that breakfast is important, as well as snacks between heavy meals.

''Hans, please boil the soybeans. I'll eat it on the way later...." Anindira asked.

"Okay... Your appetite has started to increase, and your body has also started to look changed... " Hans replied with a happy smile, but unfortunately Anindira's face was frowning.

"I'm fat huh?!..." said Anindira, grinning, "It must be ugly!... Soon it will be even more round, for sure!'' Anindira shouted, ''And you guys will always make fun of me if that's the case... '' Anindira grumbled, continuing her words.

Halvir and Hans looked at each other for a moment, then they immediately moved to either side of Anindira, holding each other in one hand and caressing her head.