New Bond

Chapter 068 New Bond

This was the first time Halvir touched a woman, but his instincts and passion moved hand in hand, leading him. What's more, he was helped by Anindira, who had experience. However, her experience was a tragedy. But thanks to that, she knew where a man would touch her next.

Halvir's passionate, strong-sucking kiss left beautiful marks on several parts of Anindira's body.

Not only did Halvir's mouth play its role. His fingers were already skilled at tracing the curves of Anindira's body. No longer shy, Anindira was also excited by Halvir's every touch. A moan came out of Anindira's mouth. Melodiously accompanying Halvir's game. Her voice was a little restrained because she still felt embarrassed.

''Dira!'' Halvir called while looking at her affectionately, ''Don't hold back your voice!'' Halvir exclaimed but was immediately answered by Anindira shaking her head, ''Why?'' Halvir asked urgently.

''I'm embarrassed,'' Anindira whispered with a blushing face.