The Black Arum lower almost killed Hans

Lila didn't immediately respond to Halvir's call. She was frightened and barely moved for several hours, her body seemed lifeless. Halvir approached her slowly, and sat beside her, monitoring her reaction. Halvir then gently caressed her back, trying to make her feel safe. Only after a few minutes had passed did Lila's tense body slowly relax, then she fainted.

"What about her?" Gavriel asked Halvir when he saw him carrying Lila, who was weak and helpless, unconscious. Gavriel immediately moved to make something for the bed.

"She's scared..." Halvir replied, "With you?" Gavriel said mockingly, responding to Halvir. ''It seems that your wound is not enough... Do you need to add more?!!'' exclaimed Halvir, glancing sharply at Gavriel, while laying her down on the place Gavriel provided, then giving Amber to Lila.