Gavriel's father

Lev simply obeys Halvir, because he is also confused by Halvir's behavior change, who usually only talks when necessary and is always cool and indifferent. But now, he looked like he was proud of himself and his mate.

''Little girl, what's your name?'' Lev asked, approaching her at Halvir's suggestion.

''Hmm?!... Oh, Anindira, sir,'' replied Anindira, smiling politely.

Lev was surprised when he approached her, he could immediately recognize the scent of the *mate bond on Anindira's body. One was Halvir's and the other was his son's fragrance, who was only eighteen this year.

''That kid, how can he compete with Halvir?... What has been going on in the years since that Boy left the kingdom of lions?... How far is his ability to get permission from that unfriendly black Jaguar?'' various questions about her son Gavriel kept coming and going in her mind.