Changing Habits

According to Anindira's request, Gavriel and Halvir as well as the three Lions went hunting, while waiting for the food that Hans had cooked.

They returned just in time for dinner.

They brought more games to cook and make supplies for the next day's journey.

They share meat and some fruit and wild vegetables that they get along the way. They imitated Anindira's way of eating, which likes to wrap the meat with vegetables, Hans gave a touch of ginger and pepper to the meat and added garlic to make the grilled meat fragrant and delicious tempt.

They were all surprised. They were used to eating meat without seasoning it, so they were surprised by the rich taste of the meat. Balder was quite surprised that a young woman like Anindira could have this kind of knowledge. After they had eaten and digested their food with a little more casual conversation, they prepared to rest.