CHAPTER 103 *Mate bond

Time passed so quickly, Hans and Gavriel had been in the Forbidden Forest for three weeks already. A week faster, because they run almost without rest. It only took them three weeks to reach the Forbidden Forest.

Hans and Gavriel were seen panting with their bodies covered in wounds. Their cooperation was quite good in the Forbidden Forest.

All of Halvir's advice and suggestions were very useful, plus the combination of Gavriel's tenacity and Hans' knowledge of body anatomy, made it easier for the two of them to overcome obstacles and challenges together.

So far, they have gotten dozens of *Amber, mostly from Gavriel's work taking down the monsters. But, not infrequently, they also have to run from monsters that have very high levels, because they are unable to fight them.

The monsters in the Forbidden Forest were huge and very strong. But, luckily, they just used instinct without thinking. They are just like wild animals in general.