Chapter 107 Flood
The water level continued to rise.
Halvir and Ruvi were the most aware of the risks and consequences if this was allowed to continue. The dilemma in their hearts did not subside even though the rain had decreased in intensity. The water level was too high, but it was impossible for the two of them to hand over the task of investigating this to a group of teenagers with little experience amidst the threat of a giant snake and crocodile invasion. Because most of those who were older had gone to the Forbidden Forest. The village now only left one adult male for each household to look after their female mate that was left behind. The rest were only young teenagers from the *Gold and *Diamond ranks to help the two *Emeralds in each Clan who were left behind.
''Damn... the situation is getting worse, almost nothing is going well!'' Ruvi exclaimed, grunting in annoyance, letting out his frustration.