112 Hans and Gavriel going home

They leave the village early in the morning by boat and by sunset they can enter the valley. How surprised they were when they met Hans and Gavriel, who were already at the end of the valley.

''Halvir... What are you doing here? And what object did you climb on?!'' shouted Hans, rebuking Halvir from the top of a tree branch.

''Since when did you guys arrive?'' asked Halvir.

''It's been a few days... We couldn't get through because of the flood...'' replied Gavriel, ''We tried to destroy the dam so the water could flow, but it was always blocked.''

''Dam?!'' exclaimed Ruvi, surprised, as well as the others, ''What do you mean by the dam?''

''There is a big dam in the valley, I think it's the dam that makes all areas flooded!'' cried Hans, answering him.

''By chance, you guys came... We can destroy it together!'' exclaimed Gavriel, continuing with a smile on his face.

''Where is the dam?'' asked Halvir.