Leaving Lila

127 Leaving Lila

They all looked relieved but also exhausted. These last two weeks, they moved almost without rest. If we count the beginning of the flood, they haven't had a good rest for almost three months.

The villagers waiting at home greeted their arrival with great joy. Their struggle has paid off and now they can return to their respective homes. Although there are still other problems to be resolved, at least one problem has been resolved.

''Havi, Gavriel!''

Anindira called, and she waved, welcoming the return of the two of them very happily.

"How is it going?" asked Anindira in Halvir's arms.

''It's finished... we can calm down now,'' Halvir replied, kissing Anindira on the cheek.

''Great!'' Anindira exclaimed happily, ''You succeeded, that's good...'' she then kissed Halvir in return, ''The villagers can calm down now, they must be very happy.''

''Eum, thanks to you,'' said Halvir with a proud face.