
"You're happier..... What's the reason?" Michelle asked, staring at Mel skeptically.

"I don't think anything new has happened. I mean, I'm the same" Mel shrugged.

"There has to be something........," Michelle thought. "Any new friends? Or any new engagement after school? Something has to be making you cheery"

"Well,I kinda made a friend"

"What?," Michelle grinned and moved closer to Mel. "How did it happen? Who's the person?"

"I lost a bet," Mel chuckled. "His name is-"

There was a knock on the door that interrupted Mel.

"Come in" Michelle said with a sigh.

Damien walked in,and took off his jacket.

"That's him" Mel said with a grin.

"Damien?" Michelle asked

"What about me?" He asked,staring between both of them.

"You're her friend?" Michelle asked.

"Ohh," Damien let out a hearty laugh, lifting the mood in the room. "Yeah,I'm her friend"

"Wow. That's very nice" Michelle said.

"MM. Isn't Tony meant to be here yet?" Damien asked.