"That's the parking lot" I said to Grace and she made a turn to the large parking lot with an exaggerated G.

She parked the car and I got down with Katrina in my hands as I went to place her in the baby seater placed at the back.

I fastened her seat belt noticing the attention everyone was giving me.

"Bye Grace" I said to her and I left. The hallway was filled with students and they had their own discussions.

I was about to turn to the next hallway leading to another then to my locker

"Amore" someone called out and I was scared because no one aside from Smith ever called me.

I recovered quickly from the shock and I turned to face a tall, slim, beautiful girl with blonde hair.

"How may I help you" I questioned with a smile.

"A lady.....uhh..Grace told me to give this to you" she said handing me a black and red lunchbox with a love embroidery on it.

"Thanks" I collected the bag from her and she left.

I placed the bag in my locker and I took out the necessary books leaving for my first class.

The class started and without wasting time the teacher got into the main topic and just like that class went by and the next came followed by another.

Now it's lunch break and I finally can eat my lunch peacefully. I went to my locker taking out the lunch bag.

Everyone has their smartphones and tablets and everything as normal and as normal I went into the cafeteria without paying attention to any of them since I didn't even have a phone.

So today there is no Smith and no Daisy so I brought out the food which had a tag on the plate.

"Lots of love" I read and I started eating .

This is delicious I can't believe I cooked this I mean it's too delicious. I heard some clicking heels soon.

"I guess I judged too early once a parasite always a mighty parasite now the food tastes bitter" I mumbled under my breath.

"You know guys she can never afford something as expensive as this"

"Yeah I bet"

"Trust me she can't "

"Too poor she can't" This were some of the replies from her friends.

I don't need something as expensive as that since I don't want to as bitter as they are.

"But then she can sell herself to get to taste this" Daisy said pouring the red wine inside my food.

Can I strangle someone right now cause she is daring me. I started packing up my lunch since it's now ruined.

"Don't you dare" she said holding my hand down on the table.

"You know I wonder where she got the slutty attitude from" one of them said.

I don't like where this is going.

"Where else you know like mother like daughter" Daisy said and I am trying my best to control my anger since mom wouldn't be like this.

"A two faced viper and a slut for a mother and daughter" Daisy said but I tried my best.

I forced my hands out of hers and held onto her hands instead.

"Daisy George don't you dare overstep your boundaries cause" she cut me off and removed her hands

"I am Daisy George remember and why don't just go back to your damn country and to your stupid people not forgetting your damn mother"

I shook my head trying to control myself but...

I collected the wine bottle from her and I held it up

"if you dare say anything against my mom again I won't think twice before slitting your throat" I roared and I started strangling her.

"Let me go" she cried but I continued and everyone had their mouths wide open.

"I don't have to kill you or do I?" barked


"Hey" someone called out and snapped me out of my fantasy.

"Amore are you OK" Smith said and I nodded looking at Daisy who was staring at me like I was crazy.

"I am fine you can ask her though I don't think she is" I mumbled so only I and Smith could hear that.

She was now glaring at Smith.

"Miss Cleve you are needed in Conference room 3 right now" someone called out through the speakers around.

Oh God did they see any of this or maybe I actualized my thoughts of strangling her or did she say anything.

Now I am in trouble.

I carried my lunch box and went directly to my locker to pick the map I needed .

"Conference room 3" I mumbled searching the map thoroughly but I had no clue.

"Can I be of help in any way" I heard Smith ask

"Have you ever been of help to me?" I jokingly asked and he didn't answer so I threw the map at him.

"Let's go guy you heard the announcement I need to go to conference room 3" I said as I continued walking even if I had no idea where I was going.

After walking around without any destination I stopped and waited for Smith who was busy with his phone.

"Are you gonna help me or am I alone here" I asked as I walked up to him and pushed him to the front.

"You are walking slowly. If I get into trouble, you get into trouble and we face detention, suspension or expulsion together"

Finally we got to the conference room 3 and It wasn't as far as I thought, it was probably the closest Conference room to my locker.

The doors were closed so I wanted to use the handle but there was none.

"You need to swipe your slot in card on the card detector" Smith said making me realize he was still present somehow

He brought out his card and swiped it on the detector thing. I went in to the furnished but empty room which had a table in the middle and some chairs surrounding it.

"Good day Mr. P........"

"Mr.Paulo sir" Smith interrupted the principal who wasn't physically present but then the speaker.

"He doesn't seem to get a grasp on how to pronounce my name so its better to correct him even before he makes the mistake" he mumbled.

How hard is it to call Paulo cause I don't seem to understand both the principal and Smith.

"Miss Cleve you were called here to inform you about a change in your schedule" he paused

I have been here for almost three weeks and now there is a change in schedule.

How beautiful my life is, I probably need a selfie to show how odd I look.

"There are some documents you need to sign and they are right there on the table" .

I read the stupid paper and I signed. I guess I haven't finished the registration procedures.

Now I have a problem.

"Sir, I think there is a problem with this" I said after going over another document which happens to be my new schedule.

"There is no problem at all according to what I have here"

"Yes there is. This new schedule says I have amateur wrestling on Wednesdays and on Thursdays I have etiquette and ethics class"

"Yes your name is written on the schedule right" he said and I checked it out only to find Amore Cleve.


"No buts Miss Cleve you already agreed to it in that document you signed a while ago"

"Are you sure there is no problem" I asked again hoping for a change in decision but no he is adamant.

"You agreed since you signed those documents and you are a scholarship student for crying out loud"

"OK then" I said trying my best not to tear those documents.

"Thanks for your time and bye" I heard a beep sound

"He is gone let's leave for our next class" Smith said.

We left for our various lockers and I picked my books for my next classes .


Time flew by and now I have amateur wrestling at the ring. I took my map and I mapped out the only ring on the map .

I walked around for a while until I found the ring which was in a secluded area. The door opened automatically and I walked inside to find girls training in two's . The room was large despite the number of students I saw .

A lot of female MIKE TYSON'S I must say.

"You are welcome Miss Cleve" A muscular lady greeted. She was about the same height as I was wearing a grey joggers, sports bra and sneakers.

"I am your coach. Your training clothes and gadgets are in your locker which you will be led to and you also have to pick a bottle of water whenever you come in it is available over there" she stated and disappeared.

"Let's go" Another girl snapped and I followed her as she showed me my locker and changing room I guess this is it Amore Cleve.


Question of the chapter : Have you ever been in a situation where you know you need help but you are scared cause you are afraid instead of helping you out you will be judged .