“Zenos!” David typed.


'How come?'

'Is that possible? Can Zenos fall in love?'

“Why not?” Zenos suddenly texted, making the people in the group fall silent, they rubbed their eyes and pinched themselves to see if they were dreaming.

'The Father had talked. Am I sleeping?'

“Boring!” Zenos texted and then logged out, only to see Hayden staring at him complicatedly. “Are you jealous?”

“Why would I?” Hayden said in a retort, “I don't even like you!” Hayden retorted fiercely.

Zenos suddenly felt a pang of sadness in his heart, but he revealed indifference. “Oh!” It's not easy to fall in love, he understands, but why did he feel that pain when he wasn't even in love with the boy?

Hearing that reply made Hayden feel ashamed of his words, but he already said it and he has no intention to apologize. Anyway, nothing can happen between them, so it's best to say it bluntly now.

Hayden bit his lips and rubbed his neck. He was suddenly nervous for no reason. “Erm…” What the hell is he doing? What's wrong with him? Why's he suddenly shy? “Let's end this shit!” He blurted out, fidgeting inwardly but calm and cold outside.

Zenos doesn't know why he kept getting infuriated whenever Hayden talked about ending it with him. He should have let Hayden go after last night's 'mistake' but he finds himself unable to let go.

Zenos suddenly turned to look at Hayden with a darkened, angry expression, then he leaned forward to trap Hayden on the spot. Zenos began to leave slow kisses on Hayden's skin, he just don't know why he can't get enough of this person. Hayden ducked and moved his face to another side, but Zenos immediately followed.

“What are you, mmm…” Hayden was immediately kissed, he tried to struggle but Zenos was simply too powerful as he easily overpowered Hayden.

“We haven't even started yet how can we end this?” Zenos whispered hoarsely while Hayden panted for breath. Zenos lustfully eyed the boy's subconscious seductive expression.

“It's wrong. We are both males!” Hayden said while struggling to push Zenos away from him, but Zenos expertly trapped him while his lips kept kissing him to his annoyance.

“So?” Zenos asked. His lips kissing and tasting and leaving marks on the neck and collarbone.

'Can't you hear my words? We are both males, which made it wrong! This person is simply crazy! I can't reason with him. Whatever he likes, he should do! I just have to avoid him in any way.' Hayden puffed his cheeks in anger. Zenos felt it was cute, so he kissed the cheeks multiple times.

“It's okay now, let me go!” Hayden said, using his palm to shut Zenos's lips, but Zenos kept kissing, not even letting go of his palm, which made him frustrated. He wished he could just bash this person's head on a hard surface.

Hayden already planned to jump out of the car immediately after the car stopped, but he found out that the door was still locked. He raised an eyebrow and sighed in frustration. “What's this all about?”

“You don't wanna spend time with me?” Zenos raised an eyebrow. He sat back, looking calm and indifferent. His shirt looks neat as if he weren't the one who's trapping Hayden a few minutes ago. Hayden glared at him in anger as he looked at his ruffled clothes. Beast!

What time? Can't you see I'm trying to run away? Hayden cursed the charming guy inwardly before he gave a small squeezed smile. 'Of course, I don't want to' but he knew someone was crazy, so he feigned. “No. I just don't want to waste your time”.

“I don't think you're this nice to your boyfriend, but I can give you all my time!” he replied, smirking as if he knew Hayden's plan.

Hayden's smile slipped immediately, as Zenos expected. Hayden snorted at the man's ability to flirt now and then. “Can I go now?”

“Goodbye gift.”

“What?” Hayden yawned a bit tiredly.

“Kiss!” Zenos pointed at his lips and said shamelessly. Hayden in turn raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. After all Zenos had done while trapping him, this lustful pervert still wanted a kiss!

“Kiss me!” Zenos said.

Hayden's eyebrows arched and he muttered straightforwardly. “No!”

Zenos smirked and slowly his hand made its way to Hayden's clothes and then began to act mischievous.

“You!” Hayden raged.

“I'll get what I want while having extreme fun at it,” Zenos said while inhaling Hayden's scent.

Lustful bastard. Hayden cursed and quickly raised his head to give the pervert a short peck. His eyes unconsciously lit up, yet he won't admit that he likes it, but before he knew it, someone pressed him down and furiously swept his mouth clean.

“I'm getting down!” Hayden said, panting as he awkwardly tried to open the door to get out of the lustful pervert's car.

Zenos chuckled as Hayden fumbled for the car lock, he got out of the car. “You, where are you going?” Hayden asked panting.

Zenos went to Hayden's side and then picked him up. “You! What are you doing? Let me down!” Hayden panicked.

“We have to avoid putting pressure on your behind. I'll take you in!” Zenos smirked at him.

After hearing Zenos' reply, Hayden became happy because it means Zenos cared for him, but he didn't allow it to show on his face, instead, he snorted.

“Wait, what? You bastard, I don't mind!” Hayden felt so embarrassed and wished the ground would swallow him up. What could be worse for a man's ego; being bridal carried in front of the servants he has always been portrayed as a cold figure to.

“You, Zenos. Let me go.”

“If you want to attract your bodyguards, then continue. Let them all know their young master had an interesting night and can't walk by himself now, come on, shout louder!”

Hayden reluctantly shut up, glaring at Zenos furiously. What, a man with a poisonous tongue? Simply heartless and ungentlemanly! What attracts attention, what interesting night? When it seems Zenos is the one who wanted to attract attention, but why is his bodyguard not stopping them? He huffed out in anger. So infuriating!

“Young Master, you're back!” The head of the maids, an elderly woman in her fifties, greeted.

“Aunty,” he called weakly due to shyness.

“Young Master, what's wrong?” She first looked at Zenos then Hayden. Wondering what happened to their young master to be carried by a stranger.

“He's sick, please take care of him!” Zenos said with a polite smile.

'Who's sick?' Hayden glared at Zenos due to infuriation, 'so you can smile. Huh? You'll smile at everyone other than me who risked my behind'.

Hayden was annoyed, he couldn't help but pinch Zenos's waist three times to relieve his anger. Who knows, Zenos didn't budge as if Hayden didn't do anything which made Hayden's eyes light up. 'Oh, this person is strong too'. He thought and pinched twice until Zenos gave him a strict look which made him pout and immediately stopped.

“Thank you, young master…”

Hayden interrupted and waved his hand magnanimously. “No need to thank him!” 'That bastard is the reason I'm like this'. Hayden thought infuriatingly which was vividly written on his face which made Zenos amuse.

The head of the maids looks at a loss, but she knows Hayden has always been sensible, so she decided to follow Hayden's words. She immediately said, “I'll prepare the young master's meal!” And quickly disappeared.

“Where's your room?” Zenos whispered.

“Just drop me down here!” Hayden said stubbornly with the aim of not budging even if heaven fell on earth.

Zenos smirked evilly and suddenly grabbed Hayden's butt.

“You?” Hayden's eyes widened, and his face burned red in embarrassment, but then Zenos began to fondle.

“Room!” Zenos said in a husky tone, which made Hayden afraid. This person is silently warning him that he won't hold back in doing more if Hayden continued to be stubborn.

“Let's go!” Hayden said with gritted teeth, and Zenos silently retracted his hand. He glared at Zenos. “So low. Even resorting to cheap tricks now.”

“Either way is fine as long as it makes you submit.” He said, making Hayden snort.

Hayden resentfully opened his bedroom door and Zenos calmly walked in. Giving it a quick scan, so he could plan their bedroom that way in the future. He dropped Hayden on the bed gently.

“I'll take my leave!”

“That's all.”


“Eh, Mr. Zenos. What are you scheming?” Hayden's expression suddenly turned mysterious.

“Nothing,” Zenos replied.

“I don't think so!” Hayden suddenly said mysteriously, “How can I let you go? You know some of my secrets.”

“Want to play dirty.” Zenos lifted his chin and pecked him to his horror. “I'd like to see you try, but when it fails, it's no one's fault when I whipped your ass.”

“Don't worry, I won't fail,” Hayden said firmly and mysteriously. He suddenly tapped his hand in a weird way, causing the room to blacken. “You know too much,” he said to Zenos.

“You want to measure my strength.” Zenos suddenly sent a punch to his right side, making someone groan. “Useless!” Zenos said, and all Hayden did was grab popcorn while watching the fight. He heard groans. Now, he dunno which is Zenos or his guards. Not up to 10 minutes, the light was turned on, and what Hayden saw shocked him.