Doesn't Master Find It Weird?

“What did you do to him?” Jude asked Zenos again. Addressing Sean with 'him' because he doesn't want anyone to catch their names as the walls have ears.

Zenos leaned back and swirls the wine cup in his hand calmly. “Giving him a taste of what he wants!” He replied.

“Wicked!” David muttered, downing his drink.

“Master!” Xena's greeting interrupted the three.

“Him?” Jude asked Xena, already knowing how much Xena liked Sean, which Sean wasn't interested in; which was the reason Zenos gave her the mission for Xena to see if Sean's opinion had changed during her absence.

Sean counted Xena as a younger sister, while Xena wished he did take her as a woman. Some years ago, Xena, whose original name was Charmaine, was a shy girl.