Men are not to be trusted

“Stay!” Hayden articulated, but before he knew it Zenos's lips shut his, which made his eyes widen in shock.

“Are you certain?” Zenos arched an eyebrow, with a mischievous smirk playing on his face.

'Rascal!' Hayden's face immediately burned red at Zenos's actions. “No!” Hayden huffed and removed Zenos' hold from his. “Pervert!” Hayden cursed once more, but with a smile that he couldn't hold back.

Zenos's hand made its way to Hayden's face, he removed a stray lock and tucked it behind his ear. “Everything that happened, happens for a reason. Don't be annoyed anymore.” Zenos said to console him because he knew how annoyed Hayden was earlier. Zenos's words made Hayden smile and nod sweetly.

“Everything that happened, happens for a reason!” He muttered and pondered over the word, and he nodded after getting the meaning of the sentence.

Hayden looked at Zenos' face, and he couldn't help but be enchanted by the soft and comforting look on Zenos' face.