Be Good

CHAPTER 40: Be Good!

It was soon shown that it wasn't fine because the next day, Hayden still didn't show any signs of waking up, which caught everyone by an alarm.

Andy took on the mission of buying their meals because he was sure that if he didn't, Hayden's parents wouldn't put their minds to eating, so he has to take on the work of making sure they are well-fed.

He was on his way back from buying breakfast that morning when he saw something that made his eyes widen in surprise.

Andy was dumbfounded, and he quickly rubbed his eyes in surprise to confirm. Yes, it's Zenos!

Even if the person was in a mask, Andy could still recognize Zenos' outstanding figure.

“Hey, you, please wait…” Andy had a feeling that Zenos would ignore him, which was true because Zenos did ignore him. Andy immediately sped up his pace and quickly ran up to Zenos. He immediately stood in front of Zenos to block him.