Why ARE You So Uncouth?

Besides, he's still young, how can he have such a dark heart?

“Am I stupid?” Hayden questioned. “Someone wanted to endanger you? Why would I be so stupid to involve myself in the first place? Not interested. I don't want to die.” Hayden shook his head and his walking pace increased.

“Are you so spineless?” Mia yelled from behind him. Now jogging to catch his pace.

“Yeah, I am,” Hayden admitted.

Looking at this person's strong and attractive athletic body, even if she was thrown into a river, Mia wouldn't believe that this person is spineless.

Mia inhaled and exhaled to control and calm herself, her voice was trembling, and she was now looking tearful. “Can you please help me?” She brazenly reached out for Hayden's sleeve and tugged it, while having no intention to let go, which made him pause.