Focus On Me.

Hayden quickly rubbed his red ears and returned to lying on the table lazily. “You don't deserve it,” Hayden said while looking at Zenos from the corner of his eyes.

Zenos smiled and decided to stop teasing Hayden, so he returned to continue working on his laptop while patting Hayden's back comfortingly until Hayden fell asleep.

Zenos carried the sleeping Hayden to the sofa and tucked him under a blanket knowing that the boy was still recovering. He smiled and brushed a stray hair on Hayden's forehead. He kissed the boy's forehead before returning to his seat.

Zenos had just sat down when he heard a ping. He picked up his phone and saw that David had posted, while Sean had pinned his BL posts in the group as if he couldn't wait until everyone saw them.

Who's having a baby here? I want a cute daughter as my first godchild. @zenos @xander @aldric @levi @sean @everyone @single Jude.

Xander's eyes darkened upon seeing Sean's post of him(S), Philips, and Craig.