You Own Lowse?

“Hey y'all, where have you been all day?” Mia cried out while exasperating dramatically as soon as the boys stepped into the mansion one after the other.

“Men's secret,” Craig replied smugly and headed upstairs to his room. Feeling the continuous ringing of his phone. If he didn't return to his room to receive Sean's call, he was afraid that Sean would begin to throw tantrums.

Mia wrinkled her nose and feigned a fierce glare at Craig before snorting.

Those boys left the house early in the morning before she woke up. Unfortunately, she had no advertisement to shoot, nor did she have any interest in going to the studio, so she ended up staying at home alone—lonely to the core. Her heart was about to fly off with every second that ticked by being alone in the mansion.

Mason leisurely strode over and threw his hands around Mia. “You missed your husband exceptionally, my man?” Mason retorted and gave her a mischievous wink before blowing soft kisses in the air.