Talk In Bed

Zenos extended his hand and ruffled the boy’s hair gently. “Baby, I didn't know it bothered you this much. Do you think I don't want you anymore? I do. I really do. Look.” Without hesitation, Zenos grabbed the boy’s hand and used it to touch his rising bulge.

Feeling the existence of the large, familiar monster, a certain memory began to invade Hayden’s head. Hayden’s face and ears flushed deeply, and a whole sense of anger overwhelmed him.

Hayden quickly pulled back his hand, and he glared at Zenos with teary, limpid eyes due to embarrassment. "You pervert,” he retorted, but his voice ended up emitting a thin, whiny voice to Hayden’s dismay.

Zenos’ lips curled upward in a mischievous smirk, and he bit the boy’s ear slightly. “En. Want to see? A pervert tailor-made for young master baby Hayden." Zenos’ lips curled up, and a mischievous glint flickered past his eyes.

Without waiting for the boy’s response, he bends slightly and picks up the boy in bridal style.