
Upon seeing Zenos leisurely leaning on the bed, Hayden’s face turned grim and cold. He knew Zenos didn't have any intention to bring him downstairs, and Zenos wanted him to walk down himself. Clearly, someone wanted to show off

Hayden snorted, held on to the wall, and carefully limped toward the door. His face was red, and his lips parted in a gasp for breath.

Hayden had just twisted the doorknob when he was suddenly swept off his feet and bridal-carried. Hayden’s eyes lit up, and he exhaled in joy. Luckily, he doesn’t have to descend the stairs himself. The thought of doing so made his legs tremble.

Regardless of Hayden’s thoughts, Hayden’s expression was cold to the bone, and he ignored Zenos nonchalantly. As soon as Zenos descended the stairs, Hayden was placed on his feet, and Zenos used his chin to motion Hayden to continue himself. Immediately, Zeno strode into the kitchen.