Hostile reception

Heavy traffic ahead", announced the mechanical voice of the scout ship's onboard computer. The wedge shaped hulls of the fast approaching aliens ships suddenly appeared on the screen rising from the surface as the scout ship approached the planet.

'It must be the welcoming committee", Takunda thought to himself. This was all very exciting. This was what he had trained for, had waited seemingly all of his military life for just such an encounter.

There were rules of engagement which had been created for just such a moment. Chief among them was establishing communication with the extra-terrestrials to avoid unnecessary misundertanding. Takunda pressed transmit on the control panel's sub-space transmition icon. It was the usual message of, "we come peace going out the approaching vessels in several dialects generated by the algorithm. Hopefully the aliens would understand one the languages and not attack the scout ship. His hopes for a peaceful first contact were quickly dashed when the alien vessels proceeeded on a direct collision course.

"Warning impact in 10, 9, 8, 7...the onboard computer began to count down as the distance between the scout ship and the aliens quickly began to narrow.

Takunda calm as a cucumber, maintained course towards the planet and turned on the scout ship's eletromagnetic repulse shield just in time as the alien ships began to fire. That did it, Takunda felt like a kid again playing space invaders back on earth.

He pressed the fire control button on the panel, hitting several alien vessels in rapid succession one after another with the scouting ship's laser cannons.

Despite the direct hits the alien ships maintained course undeterred despite the damage to the wedged shaped hulls. More alien ships were following closely in their wake.

Takunda quickly realized the urgent need for a change of strategy and activated the scoutship's payload of high impact missiles. He fired a volley of the scout ship's rockets, hitting the alien ships as they charged at his scout ship, blowing them apart in brilliant super nova explosions. It seemed for a while, time had stopped, even the stars seemed to have disappeared in the frenzied scene of wildly attacking starships rushing up at the scout ship. It was all Takunda could do to keep his trigger finger on the firing button to keep himself from losing his nerve Ithe face of the charging alien vessels rushing up at him firing lasers.

Then just the attack had began, the scene became relatively calm again as the scoutship still firing raced past exploding alien vessels towards the planet unmolested.