"Full stop!", called out captain Maedza as the Horizon entered the orbit of planet Jeita 3.
"Open communications to planet", said captain Maedza.
The figure of senator Audren appeared on the bridge's big screen.
"Welcome captain", senator Audren greeted warmly.
"Senator", captain Maedza replied amicably.
"We have come as per your request", said captain Maedza.
"You will not regret it, I assure you captain", senator pressed on warmly.
"Ok, senator, what is so unique about this planet", asked captain Maedza.
"Imagine, captain if you could fix everything that ever went wrong in your past", senator Audren replied pleasantly.
"Are you talking about time travel?", asked captain Maedza.
"Exactly", said senator Audren.
"Are you saying the inhabitants of this planet have the ability to travel through time?"