They just stared at him, in wide eye speechless silence, as though seeing an apparition that had suddenly appeared before them. Is something amiss? continued, captain Maedza trying to break the ice, seating on the bridge of the Horizon and watching the Klestranians on the big screen.
"It's just that...", began one of the figures swated at the oblong table, by whose gentle tone he knew was a female.
She was quickly cut off by an authoritative looking male who seemed to be preside over proceedings, seating at one end of the long onblong table.
"You are so ugly, you frighten us", went on president Rado on a hostile tone "All the same we shall hear the terms of your surrender".
"What!?", it was now captain Maedza's turn to sound surprised.
"Off screen!", he shouted at the communications officer and the transmission from the cabinet room on Klestra cut off.