Hinata's Birthday! [11]

Walking through the beautiful entrance of the Hyuga Clan with the small pond hosting a bridge going across it as the surrounding area show cased of a lot of different types of well kept flowers with the moon light complementing the overall feel of the place.

It felt magical.

Wait, wrong world...

Walking through the little wooden bridge with my Ojisan (Danzo) an inch in front of me to signify his authority being more prominent, I start to tidy myself up as the entrance to the house is just a head.

Looking through the windows I start to see multiple different types of people like some guys just having a beer together while some kids my age are talking and playing ninja with each other.

After a few more seconds Ojisan and I make it to the entrance as a Hyuga maid that has a caged bird seal greets us and lets us in after seeing our identification which in this world for the most part in the hidden villages are IDs they give you when you graduate which you can update every year.

Now entering the Hyuga Compound's main building I start to get a more homey vibe.

I'm sure it's not like this usually with all the Hyuga having sticks up their asses, but for this occasion I guess they are making an exception with their clan heir having a birthday.

"Hello Shimura-sama." A rough but joyful voice can be heard talking to Danzo.

Danzo hearing this pushes me forward to signify "Go" as he starts to converse with Hiashi Hyuga the Hyuga clan leader.

My chakra senses start to flare a little as I instinctually look at the floor sensing the use of chakra in Hiashi's eyes.

'He must be looking at me through his byakugan.'

Taking my time to take in the surroundings I start to ask for directions.

Walking up to the Hyuga maid from before, I quickly ask her where Hinata is.

"Can you tell me where Hinata is please." I ask with a pleading look.

The Hyuga maid hearing me turns around and responds.

"Hello Shimura-sama, go to the room straight then take a turn left into the next room." She tells me pointing at an entrance with no door leading to a room.

After thanking the lady I made my way towards the first room.

The first room is where the banquet is held.

All you need to know is that there is food there!

Turning left right before I make it to the next entrance I make a mental side note to come eat here after I give Hinata's gift.

Entering the final room where Hinata is supposed to be I finally spot her.

Hinata, currently sitting down is talking to her mother (Himawari) who is holding her stomach while conversing with Hinata.

There were also surrounding children which I could identify some like Shikamaru and Choji who are chilling being introverts in a corner while another few kids like Kiba are playing ninja outside in the many backyards the Hyuga compound has.

Ignoring the initial looks a person gets when he enters a room full of people, I start to make my way towards Hinata.

Hinata seeing me enter the room starts to wave at me.

'Fuck she's so adorable.' I think to myself while waving back.

Now next to her I sit down on the floor where Hinata and Himawari are.

"Hello Hinata, I got you a gift!" I say excitedly.

Hinata greeting my back starts to look at the box with stars in her eyes making me chuckle a little.

Giving Hinata the box while her mum observes us with a smile I see her use her cute little hands to open the lid of the box and reach inside.

"Theres something soft." Hinata says giggling.

Hinata grabs the gift while taking a good look at it and after a few seconds hugs the scarf.

"Thank you so much it's the best!" She says while nagging her mother to help her put it on.

"Thanks I made it myself." I say this while imagining myself pointing my nose upwards in a bragging way.

Looking at the adorable Hinata wearing my gift I say something out loud.

"You looks cute."

Hinata hearing my words starts to blush as she hugs her mum trying to regain herself. Her mum seeing her little Hinata embarrassed starts to giggle stroking Hinata's hair.

"Raiden-kun aren't you quite bold to try to take my daughter away from me." Himawari says as she looks at me with a teasing look.

Blushing I start to look away from the MILF.

Oh, did I not mention how Himawari is a MILF like a really hot one. I don't really got any hormones right now so I feel fine but god damn that ass paired with her tits.

Right after this conversation I went to socialise with others as I ended up talking to Shikamaru and Choji. At first they were awkward as I guess they didn't branch out their social circle till the academy which made it easy for me to infer that they didn't like to talk to others as much.

After talking with them I walked with Hinata to go eat some food in the room I was in prior to this one so I could enjoy myself this time.

I still haven't forgotten about the Hyuga affair though and planned to prevent it.

How you ask?

By just being with Hinata of course, I mean the compound is full of Hyuga Jounins. If I make it so Hinata stays within this area everything should be fine. The only way I could see her getting kidnaped if it happened when Hinata was roaming in the backyard by herself as she was relatively found fast when she was kidnapped anyways.

While walking with Hinata, Neji decided to join us and I started to converse with him.

Long story short he was a pretty chill guy who trains as hard as he can.

A very bright guy I'd say.

Well... it would be something I can say now that I will be trying to prevent this kid's dad from dying!

Shortly after a few hours the birthday party went by without any hitches as we all went back to our homes.

Little to the knowledge of me though the day after this the Kumo ninja who was sent to sign the peace treaty/kidnap Hinata was labelled a "traitor" and the treaty was cancelled because of the guy who was here wasn't one of "them".