Second Subordinate [19]

Today is the day I finally get to meet my future very overpowered subordinate Karin. I heard that Bird just dropped her off in the room next to Asashi's room which is literally just a few seconds away from my own.

She has already been told about her situation by Bird and is already starting to learn about how to be a good servant hehe.

I mean if I had to go through the deaths of my parents in the span of just a week with both of their deaths being because of the village I would be pretty fucked up in the head.

At least she doesn't need to starve now as she has a lot of food she can cook for me and herself at the same time which is nice.

'I should make some pizza for the five of us now as a treat.' I think to myself as I start to head to the kitchen to get the ingredients I need.

--A few hours later--

"Kakashi can you call everyone over!" I shout as I'm currently bringing the extremely hot pizza over from the kitchen.

"Aight!" Kakashi responds using the body flicker.

With this I was able to bring the two pizzas over to the dining table as Bird brought some drinks like lemonade.

A couple of seconds after I finish setting everything up I see three people walk out of the hallway with one of them being a certain red haired Uzumaki.

"Welcome! Just enjoy dinner for now Karin, we will talk about your schedule after this ok?" I say the last part gently to Karin as her parents literally both died this week.

Karin hearing this nods shyly as she makes her way to the table with Asashi to sit down as they both wait.

'A good time to cement myself into her life to be honest.'

Bird and Kakashi taking a few slices proceed to body flicker out of the room as per my orders as I want some private time with my new subordinates.

"I just want you guys to relax around me and treat me like family, we will be seeing each other everyday for the upcoming years as you guys are going to be my servants so I think we should start to talk to each other more." I say cheerfully as I dig in to the food

"This is amazing!" Karin says with stars in her eyes.

Asashi seeing her reaction starts to dig into the food himself as he has been holding back a little on just chomping down on everything.

Taking a bite he starts to get a wide grin as he chews.

While we all dug into our food Asashi asked me a few questions about shinobi that interested me a little. I mean for me the ranks of shinobi are already prior knowledge so someone like Asashi asking about this means he's trying to gather as much info as he can.

'A smart guy.'

I'm really curious about their dreams and goals in life so I started to question them a little as we kept on eating.

I should ask them about this to be able to give them rewards that would satisfy them.

Oh wait I also forgot that they have a stipend that I will be giving them as I don't want them to have no personal belongings.

The more connections they have to this place the better as it will feel more like home everyday for them as they will get used to this place.

"By the way you guys will get a stipend, and if you don't know what it is it's you getting a certain amount of money each month. You guys will get the same amount of money that you will be able to use to buy anything you want like toys and equipment, but for now I would suggest saving up your money though." I say while chewing on food.

Not using much manners on a table can signify that someone is either comfortable with the people there or they just don't care about manners so I have made myself sneakily not use my manners at times to relieve any pressure they might have.

"Can I go outside to buy some soon?" Asashi asks after he takes a big gulp of water making Karin and I chuckle.

"I will be restricting you guys for only for a month to stay at the compound to get you into the habit of training and getting use to your roles first. After that y'all can do anything else with your free time like going out and exploring the village or making some friends at the park."

And just like that the morning went by pretty fast as we all ate food until we filled ourselves up to the brim not being able to even take another bite of pizza.

The table after my talking was quiet but still very comfortable as my subordinates got what I was trying to say.

"Karin before you go I want to give you this." I say as I grab a schedule that was made for her.

Karin seeing this quickly walks up to me and gently grabs the paper while looking at it.


{Training Schedule: Monday to Friday}

(7:30am-9:30am) Physical exercise warmup with Raiden and Asashi

(11:00am-12:00am) Ninjutsu training/Learning medical knowledge

(1:00pm-2:00pm) Shogi against Asashi/Bird

(3:00pm-4:30pm) Taijutsu Training

(7:00-8:30pm) Chakra control exercises


"We will incorperate this next week so it's just a heads up." I tell her smiling.

I need to be gentle and coodle her a little as she is currently the most vulnerable I think I'll ever see her. I won't baby her too much but I won't pressure her as much which wouldn't matter as she is a smart girl.

She knows what she needs to do.

--POV Karin--

"Karin before you go I want to give you this." I hear master call out to me.

Hurrying to his side I slowly grab the paper as I start to look at its contents.

'So i'll be training huh, this is so I will get stronger!'

Raiden has been so nice to me so I want to pay him back for all that he has done. If he didn't want me as a servant I would probably be used immediately as a healing factory for that stupid village, mark my words when I get stronger that village will be burned to the ground by me.

But before I get into any darker thoughts I hear master speak up.

"We will incorperate this next week so it's just a heads up." Raiden says smiling.

Before all of that I will try my best to repay master for his kindness for giving me another chance with better living conditions.

'I will be the best servant!' I cheer myself up as I plan on training as hard as I can.

With breakfast now over with that amazing food that master calls pizza, I make my way to my new room as I will be calling this place my home now.

Going back into the room that was given to me I started to look at how good and comfortable this place is.

'Only if mama was here to sleep with me tonight.' I think to myself starting to get watery in my eyes.

Crouching down on the floor I suddenly feel a hug from behind and hear a masters voice.

"Just let all your emotions out, it's okay Karin you're safe now." I hear master say as I just lose my self as I cry as loud as I could, soon after I turn around to snuggle into master's chest with me sleeping after a few minutes.