Snow [31]

A young and handsome child was handsomely reading a paper as he handsomely sat on a chair while his handsome face looked lazily at the pages.


This handsome kid is me!

The handsome part might be exaggerated but I'm quite cute if you had a look at my face. I'm currently reading a paper from the academy. This was sent to me today actually which is quite confusing as I don't know what it's for.


Karin has been suspended for a week for beating five students on academy grounds.


Looking at the paper I start to chuckle.

'She probably beat up some kids up for making fun of her hair or protecting Naruto.' I think to myself with a smile. Her behaviour will need to change but she is still six, this can be changed later on when she either becomes a shinobi or is close to graduating.

There would be no point doing it now for it would stop her already great growth in shinobi skills. I believe there isn't much she could be doing better in her training besides using up more of her time to train.

She learns quick and paired with her talent, is doing gods work right now. The only thing holding her back is spending time in the academy which is something I'll let her do until she graduates.

Grabbing another paper but from Danzo this time, my grin from before gets wider.

This document was something I wanted for a long time now so I could gauge what benefits I would get as I increased my shinobi rank through the years. Surprisingly though when I get to Chunin and Jounin, Danzo will personally teach me five wind jutsus that I wouldn't mind adding to my ninjutsu collection.

If I recall correctly he was able to damage Sasuke's susanno which was either in its Humanoid or Armoured version which is quite tough. So these jutsus are not to be trifled with just because they are B-rank ninjutsu.



[Genin]: C-grade and lower jutsu from the Shimura library

[Chunin]: B-grade and a select few A grade jutsu from the Shimura library

[Jounin]: Any available jutsu in the Shimura library


Note: When you reach Chunin I will teach you the first four jutsus, with the last one when you reach Jounin.

[Wind Release: Vacuum Wave B-rank]

[Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere B-rank]

[Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves B-rank]

[Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere B-rank]

[Wind Release: Vacuum Blade A-rank]


This was given to me a few hours ago when I came back from the academy. I just wanted to give it a quick read before going out with Hinata to just roam the village and eat some food. I guess this could count as a date but we're already engaged so it's kinda weird.

Putting the two papers on my desk I start to make my way to Hyuga compound. Walking through the streets as I try my best to find the best possible areas to tread through as there is a little too much snow.

I start to rub my hands together trying to get all the body warmth I can get.

'After we eat, Hinata and I should make a snowman.' I think to myself while my legs are getting consumed by the snow.

Not wanting to deal with this much longer I enhanced my legs with chakra and started to run on the thick fences.

With this it didn't take too long before I made it to the entrance of the Hyuga compound where three figures can be seen waiting at the entrance, with one of the three having a shorter build than the other two.

Doing one final jump, I land at the entrance to the Hyuga compound. Making it to the entrance I start to wipe off some of the extra snow on my pants as I hear a familiar voice speak.

"Raiden!" I hear a cheerful Hinata shout as she tackles me to the ground. Not moving from my spot I get bear hugged to the ground by a chibi hyuga with a purple scarf, my back starting to feel a little cold from the snow as I get buried in it with a cute Hyuga on top of me.

"Hinata I feel really cold right now." I playfully laugh out loud while tickling her making Hinata laugh as well and start to squirm and get off me making way for me to get up.. Getting back up I greet Himawari as I don't want to anger my future mother in-law.

"Hello Mother, I got here as fast as I could with all the snow blocking my way." I say with a blush. My boots are currently filled with snow with my back now having little bits of snow all over it because of Hinata's tackle. I feel decently cold right now I'm sort of shivering right now.

Himawari told me to just call her Mother so I complied seeing nothing wrong with it anyway.

'I should of brought another layer of clothes.' I think to myself.

"Raiden dear, please take care of Hinata okay? I'll have Natsu over here take care of the two of you while I take care of Hinabi." Himawari says with a warm look

"You can count on me!" I say cheerful as I grab Hinata's hand. "You craving anything right now." I ask Hinata making her adapt a cute thinking pose.

"Maybe Shi Fang's Resturant? I want dumplings right now." Hinata says with a red hue on her cheeks while fiddling her fingers.

"The rainbow dumplings there are great, I can already taste it" I say outloud making Hinata giggle.

Soon afte this I say goodbye to Himawari and start to make my way to Shi Fang's Resturant with Hinata and Natsu by my side. This time though I brought a map that Kakashi gave to me as a gift before he moved out of the compound.

Looking at the map that is turned side ways I start to head over to the left. Hinata looking at the map beside me starts to laugh.

"What's wrong?" I ask confused.

"That's not the right way to hold a map." She giggles using her hand to cover her mouth.

"Hey if it works then theres no point in fixing it." I tell her. A map can be used on any side as long as you know where you are, which I currently don't.

But they don't need to know that...

After a few twists and turns, I start to get a realisation.

'Fuck I'm lost. I hope that smut reader stubs his toe." I think to myself with an embarrassed look on my face.


[A/N: Late merry Chrismas to everyone reading this! Hopefully y'all had a good Christmas because I know I did?

Got four perfume bottles as gifts with me losing two of them already kekw.

This is also a robbery! Hand over all your power stones >:)]