Doubts? [36]

"Raiden, your team will be one of the genin teams I have under my supervision with the captain being a root member. The other two members are named Kabuto and Tsubaki."

Danzo informs me while he does some paper work.

"I'll do all my D-rank missions with shadow clones and C-rank and above myself."

I've watched the anime before and I really don't feel like catching a cat or painting walls. That's just extra child labour as we are already "brainwashed" shinobi.

'Kabuto huh.'

I thought to myself with a grin.

I might have to make him "disappear" in the second stage of the Chunin exams. No need for the guy to exist.

"Before you leave Raiden, when you become a Chunin I will give you a small buisness that the Shimura clan owns."

Hearing this I nod at his direction before using the [Body Flicker] to get out of there.

"How troublesome."

I grumble out.

First of all there's a requirement of completing a set amount of D-rank and C-rank missions that I need to do.

I need quite a few D-ranks while needing only one C-rank mission complete to be able to take the exams. To rank up you need a pretty profile on yourself either nice stats after all.

'Shoulder I make the total D-rank missions 69.'

I playfully think to myself.

"My name is Raiden Shimura, and I presume you guys know what's happening?"

I ask my now teammates and sensei who are in front of me.

"Yes Shimura-sama, we will follow your orders."

I hear them say looking at me with emotionless faces. We made a plan to quickly do a lot of missions separately as we already know each others "true" capabilities.

'Five more.'

I think to myself seeing the last few bandits in front of me.


A bandits it shouts seeing my headband.

"It's just a kid this should be fine."

Another bandit says making the other three start to close on me. This wasn't the best situation but it's not like they stood a chance in the first place.

I'm currently doing some C-rank missions with my "team".

I kinda of just ignore them as I literally can tell them what to do. While this is happening I have a clone grinding D-rank missions for the stats.

'They don't even know that I've killed their whole camp, that's pretty sad.'

Before they could attack I used the [Body Flicker] with an after image clone.

While the bandits were busy looking at the clone I quickly killed three.

Sqwelp Sqwelp-


Finishing off two Bandits with a shuriken, I slash the third one's head off.

"He's behind us."

A bandit says in horror realising his comrades were dead in the span of a few seconds. Not learning from their previous mistakes they both sloppily tried to slash at me.

I use [Body flicker] again to get behind them and slice both of their heads off in one swing.


'A double kill.'

I say to myself remembering the old days where I was still a guy who couldn't even stick to his New Year's resolution.

I mean who could right?

"There isn't anyone in a two kilometre distance from me so I should be fine."

I say to "myself" while setting up a campfire.

After a little bit I unsealed some fresh meat I got on the way here from my gloves and started to cook it.

'Who is that. How did they get so close to me?'

I think to myself sensing a weird chakra close by. Keeping my katana close to me at all times I start to dig into my food.

Sensing another chakra signature near the trees behind me I finish off my food and grab my Katana while standing up.

"You can come out."

I call out with a cold voice. Looking behind where the trees shadows are I see a pair of eye sized yellow dots pop up out of no where.

Tensing up a little I talk out loud without putting my guard down. This was a new experience, I think I know who they are but I have to confirm it first.

"What do you want."

The "shadow" I can now identify as black Zetsu starts to rise out of the the shade with a humanoid body.

'I would prefer if my teammates were here but I know that even with all our power combined we wouldn't even scratch Obito with his kamui.'

I think to myself remembering that I wanted to do solo missions. I kind of gotten a little cocky because of my extreme chakra sensing but there wasn't much I could of done anyways if I was hunted down by Obito.

I mean if he wanted me dead he could of just killed me in Konoha all things considered to cause a little mayhem.

"I just want to talk."

It says in a calm voice. Keeping up my guard I watch as Zetsu walks up to me slowly.

My heart started to beat fast as I've never felt this close to death before or know that I could die at a moments notice. Sensing Obito on top of a tree a decent distance away, I sit back down trying to mask my emotions.

I'm still a guy scared of dying all things considered, so I couldn't hide my nervousness completely.


[A/N: The guy who gave the 2 star review is trying to justify it saying I sexualised Hinata. I guess he wasn't on alcohol when making it, he's just stupid xD]