Chunin Exams Second Part [40]

"Karin you need a hug!" I cheerfully say out loud. We were currently in my bed just chilling. I still slept in the same bed as Guren and Karin and hopefully that doesn't change.

Hugging Karin who was to my right, she snuggled into me while rubbing her head into my chest.


She didn't seem to want to talk much so I just kept silent and enjoyed the hug.

"Master." I hear Guren's say to my right in jealousy? A few seconds after her words she started to hug me while I was turned away from her.

'I better get some sleep.' I thought to myself remembering the Chunin exams. I can enjoy hugs and cuddles from them but the grind is more important right now.

Starting to doze off I just barely register Guren muttering something.


"I think I've gotten everything." I say to myself as I start to make my way out of the compound. I'm pretty sure I brought everything I would need with me.

Counting the seals on my glove that aren't empty I smile knowing that I haven't forgotten anything.

Not matter how weak the opponent is, the last thing you want to do is underestimate them. This is a world where someone like the God of Shinobi could die by a stab to the head with a kunai.

There simply isn't a way around this besides having a stronger physique which isn't possible. It's the reason why I made my main style include speed and a Katana.

A blink here then a slash there and that's all I need to kill a person, don't need to overcomplicate it with jutsus and traps.

Making my way to the second examination starting point, I start look around the Konoha training grounds.

'They're quite rugged but it makes sense because it's public to any shinobi.' I say criticising the place in my head.

Walking a bit further I made it onto the starting area where everyone was.

Looking around I saw a few stalls off to the side that I assumed was where the scrolls were at, with a huge fence covering the entrance of the forest from the training ground.

After a little bit of roaming, I found Kabuto and Tsubaki next to a boulder leaning on it.

"Did the instructor already hand out the forms?" I ask Kabuto.

"Yes Shimura-sama." He said in a cold voice. Putting his hand into his pockets, he pulls out a piece of paper with a pen and hands it to me.

Taking the paper I look over the conditions.

'Konoha will not liable for you if you die in the time span of 5 days and inside the forest of death for the Chunin exams.' I read the text to myself.

Signing the form, I tell my teammates to follow me to the stall to get our own scroll.

We ended up getting an earth scroll so we needed the heaven scroll to be able to quickly pass. I plan on beating the record with flying colours so I will gain more fame.

After getting our scroll we listen to the instructor on what the rules are and soon after this everyone started to split up into different entrances to the forest wanting to get a good start.

"I'm guessing you know who has a heaven scroll we could easily target." I guessed. Kabuto hearing me communicates through Anbu hand seals and notifies me it's the team on the tree closest to the stalls.

'Two mid Genin while the other is a High Genin.' Not bad chakra reserves but their skill is still unknown, it would be better to play it safe and quickly kill them.

They are from the Land of Roses, an interesting place for shinobi to be raised. Didn't expect that from a place quite far out. The land of roses is a place where Konoha has a trading route while it's in Kumo territory.

'I'll let all three of us take one of them each.' I think to myself as I reply to Kabuto on what the plan is.

"They are about 5 minutes away from here." I call out. My teammates nodding at my words start to pull out their shurikens and kunai.

Running on top of huge tree branches we quickly made our way to the opponents who I kept an "eye" on this whole time.

"We need to make our way towards the river." I hear a voice say bellow my team and I. Quietly moving around I start to position myself to kill the man who just talked.

"There should be one towards our left." Another one says to his teammates unaware of our presence.

Signalling for my teammates who were looking at me to attack, all three of us in sync attack with abilities far surpassing mid Chunin.

Taking a kunai from my pocket, I throw it using Chidori with Swift release making it instantly blow the guys head off.


While my target died, Kabuto in a quick and efficient way stabbed his opponent with his [Chakra Scalpel].


Tsubaki killed her opponent after throwing a kunai as distraction and used a ninjato to slice his head off.


"That's all of them, let's start using our full speed towards the centre." I tell the both of them while I picked up the heaven scroll.

Ignoring the blood on our clothes, we started to head over to the finishing line.


[A/N Rewatching some of the Naruto episodes and I just realised how fuked the animation is in certain spots xD]
