War? [53]

—POV Raikage A—

"They killed our messenger?" I question my assistant Mabui with a dark undertone. Mabui with a straight face shows me some files on our loses.

"Our borders are being attacked by "bandits" a lot, this has caused a few deaths and huge problems for the smaller villages we have been trading with. This doesn't even include the three Jounin that have died investigating the matter, there's no way this is just a normal bandit sweep." She informs me. Grabbing the papers and looking down at them, I start to wince at our loses. This is an entire seperate case from the messenger's death, but is it truly?

There has been a pattern visible to me these past few months, our minimal but still fertile land has been getting their surroundings slowly forked over specifically closest to the hidden stone.

This isnt just a one time push though, looking back at some past records. They have been taking over some areas slowly but surely this past year and we haven't even noticed it.

Give it a few years or maybe a decade if they were taking it slow, but if they took it slow they would of succeeded.

Why did they suddenly advance so quickly though, is there something they want to achieve or was it a blunder?

Now it's not to say that I think it's them but they have even killed my messengers as to question some of their actions. The smaller villages are getting rowdy and the Daimyo is getting annoyed due to losing a few resorts to "bandits".

'I guess peace was never an option.' I thought to myself. Even though this is only a "small" problem, this will quickly escalate to something bigger.

With the Uchiha being wiped out a few days ago, I think it's time to start a small war to retake some land back.

"Mabui, get the first 4 divisions of Anbu here in a few hours. I want them to scout the outer edges of our lands. We will fight mainly for our land back and a few compensations." I tell her after thinking for a while.

"Yes Raikage-sama." Mabui salutes right before she gets up and leaves the room. Looking outside the window of my building I start to sigh.

This little war shouldn't attract any of the other villages as they're still busy with their own problems.

"Hopefully no demon vessels get involved, or else I'll have to teach them a thing or two." I mumble out with a wide grin.

'Thank fuck I got rid of the Kumo council after becoming Raikage.'

—POV Raiden Shimura—

"Damn this land is pretty fucking good for growing crops, why don't the other countries just invade it." I say to myself in an amused manner. It has been a few days since the Uchiha massacre and it has caused shock and a lot of unrest in the village. Not wanting to deal with that I went on the quest to search for Aoi Rokushou.

Jogging thought the land of Tea, I was like a beacon just searching around the place for a certain umbrella menace.

'Is that a bar.' I think to myself as I walk past the town. There has been many instances I take a rest because of my abilities, I guess it's mostly me being cocky but that's fine.

In the end of the day I'm just some lazy guy who couldn't stick to his New Year's resolution for a day.

If I'm not dead then that means I'm doing something right.


Entering the bar, I quickly take a seat near the front.

"Hello what may I do for you today." I hear a man in his late 30s ask me. Looking over at the man with a grin hidden under my mask, I ask the guy for some apple juice.

"Ya say, have you seen anyone called Aoi around these parts?" I question while giving the guy a "tip" for his services. The bar tender taking the coin, starts to give me my drink with a smile on his face.

I may look young and have a small stature, but when ever someone sees my ninja headband they mostly scatter. It's not because they are scared of a ninja, but more of the line of the applications of killing one from a strong village like Konoha.

So this headband is like a small protection but not physically wise.

"A certain man with an umbrella has been spotted near the Wagarashi residence drunk in the pleasure of power." The bartender says in a hushed voice. Hearing this I quickly finish off my drink and head out but not before buying a map of the land of Tea.

If I wasn't a sensor then I'd be lost somewhere under a cliff side man, this shit is hard to navigate.

—POV Danzo—

"Shimura-sama, all the preparations are complete."

Looking over to my right, I see Rat bowing down as usual after a report. Walking down the hallway, I excuse some of my subordinates to store some more sharingans.

These eyes have been piling up recently, I wonder why.

"How has the engagement plan going so far with the war." I ask Rat. It was a surprise to find out that the hidden stone were practically "lusting" over Kumo's land. It was a small project they had but sadly I had to expose them by making their moves more obvious.

It was a delayed plan meant for the coming future for the hidden stone, but unfortunately for them I want a lot of fighting.

"It's gone well sir, we have killed a few Jounin on both sides and hired some bandits to invade the hidden stone's trading routes. Of course we also killed their scouts."

With a small smirk tugging my lips, I make my way towards my desk and sit down. Sooner rather than later my little successor will be getting some hands on experience.

I'll think about giving him a few helpers but this could distract him. He needs to be a stone cold killer, not a hero. Still distracted by my thoughts I suddenly feel a little shaky.

'That still feels weird.' I shiver a little bit. Feeling the eyes on my right arm move constantly, I start to adopt a disgust look. No matter how cold you are, the feeling of multiple eyes moving is extremely unnatural.