Genin Teams, Naruto’s Generation [57]

"It's that time of the year again" I hear Kakashi murmur as he keeps on reading his icha-I ha book. Looking over to my left I sigh in contemplation on what to do.

I guess I'll just leave the man to do his own thing. He's still grieving about this past which needs to change, but I'm not the one who will make that change.

Not now anyways.

Kakashi isn't going as frequently as before, but it's still bad.

"I'll see you at the Hokage's building. Hopefully a black cat doesn't obstruct you path for too long." I comment as I [Body Flicker] away.

Leaving before Kakashi could respond, it takes me half a minute to arrive at the tower. Entering the building, I make my way towards a trap door to where an Anbu member was lurking around.

"Hello senpai, here for the Genin teams?" The Anbu I recognise as my kohai says in respect as he opens the trap door.

"Yeah hopefully I'm assigned the ones I want." I comment in a joking manner. Tiger was my old subordinate in the Hunter-nin squad. As the group expanded with my achievements over the few years, it has helped it developed into a fearsome squad.

Sadly I don't know anyone's identity due to Anbu regulations and to keep their private lives safe. Which in hindsight is what they were going for when they became an Anbu member.

Going down the trap door I relish in the feeling of being an Elite Jounin.

'Being an Elite Jounin is great. It's one of the laziest jobs around and it's basically you being retired.' I think to myself in a reminiscent way as I'm about to waste my "break" on a Genin squad. The only missions I have to do are assigned by the Hokage anyways and those missions are always a breeze.

Now underground I open the door in front of me which leads to a huge room. Looking around I spot quite a number of Chunin and quite the lot of Jounins.

Of course some Jounins like Kurenaj Yuhi and an Elite Jounin, Asuma Sarutobi were here as well.

'How much dick has Kurenai sucked to become such a high rank bruh. Theres no way she legitimately got that rank.' I secretly think to myself as I shortly make my way to the middle of the room.

Near the entrance of the large space there was a podium and a crystal ball to which the Hokage was next to.

After a few more minutes the show finally started.

"It's time for the selection process everyone." The Hokage announced. Everyone hearing this immediately becomes silent as a projection behind the crystal ball appears.

Looking at the familiar scene, I could see a huge classroom filled to the brim with students. In the front was Iruka who was currently screaming his head off.

"That's so disgusting, why did you kiss me!" A familiar yellow headed sun-ball scream.

"Shut up dobe, you fell into me you bastard!" Sasuke quickly accuses the "mourning" Naruto. With all the fan girls screeching and kids laughing, Iruka who entered the room had enough.

"Everybody shut up!" He shouts full well knowing that their class was being watched by the elites of the village.

"Today I will be announcing the Genin teams and who your sensei will be." Iruka says in wild irritation as he pulls out a list.

"Team 1 will be Ryosuke, Yagura and Nikita. You sensei will be Joyaku Rokaku."

"Team 2…"

"Team 3 filled"

"Team 5…"

"Team 7 will be Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki. Your sensei will be Kakashi Hatake."

Shortly after Iruka says this I hear a voice cut in from the entrance of the room.

"Ah darn it, I think there was a black cat in my away again. Can I know who my Genin team was guys?" A hopeless white haired elite Jounin said in a very annoying tone. With all of the shinobi in the room refraining from causing a scene, we all hear Iruka's voice again and proceed to look back at the projection.

"Team 8 includes Kiba Inazuka, Yutomaru Hayashi and Nokia Shizuha."

With the announcement of team 8, I look over to Kurenai with a wide grin plastered on my face. It was petty that I felt great after seeing her frustrated expression. I mean I just took 2/3 of her original team, but you cant seriously say she taught jack shit to her team in canon.

The only thing she could of provided was mission experience and extra hours of forcing her team to do their clan training in front of her.

She was a Genjutsu specialist who didn't teach her team any of her tricks, she's a one trick pony I tell you.

Kurenai looking over at my direction, sees my wide grin and stares daggers at me. Seeing this I momentarily hold up the middle finger behind a shinobi to hide it from the Hokage.

Everyone behind us thought could feel the tension in the air.

"Team 10 Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi. Your Jounin sensei is Ashma Sarutobi."

Asume with a glint in his eyes, clenches his fist in elation. This was quickly stopped by the salty Kurenai pinching his waist though.

'Now it's my turn.'

"Team 11 Karin Shimura, Hinata Hyuga and Shino Aburame. Your sensei is Raiden Shimura."

Everyone in the class started to shout their complaints soon after hearing this.

With the same being said but with more context in the room with all the sensei's.

'Isn't this blatant favouritism?' All the sensei's thought at the same time.

Karin was a direct subordinate of Raiden. Hinata was his fiancé and Shino's family the Aburame were allied with the Shimura.

Was what was going through everyone's heads. But in the classroom everyone was only knowledgeable about the first two.

"You're one lucky guy." I hear Kakashi who sneaked up on me say. Grinning at my final team announcement , I look over at Kurenai again to see her biting her nails with Asuma patting her back.

"I am one lucky guy, unfortunately you haven't gotten my luck though. You've gotten Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno. Quite the trouble if you ask me." I say while giggling a bit. Kakashi giving me an irritated look, proceeds to sigh in acceptance.

"So that's who my team is, how annoying. I'll just fail them if they aren't up to par."

Nodding at his words we spent a few more minutes hearing the rest of the teams before heading out of the underground place.

We would be meeting our teams in exactly 30 minutes depending on who arrived first.


[A/N: You guys will be getting some more action soon don't worry. Also there will be some kingdom building sooner or later but not too much to the point of it overthrowing the story.

Some guy gave me a one star review for "nerfing"shadow clone jutsu and having "kingdom building". Mans I haven't even started the kingdom building yet wtf 😂. Also my MC is a beta now from he said xD]