Missing Nin Scouts? [61]

Looking over at Guren who was practically trying to seduce me, I regain myself.

'I can deal with this later, preparing for the Land of Waves ark is too precious. I've already received word that Tazuna arrived at Konoha.' I thought to myself. Tazuna unfortunately for him won't get his mission accepted for quite a while so I've got time.

With Guren still in front of me, I [Body Flicker] next to her and quickly put her in a sleeping Genjutsu.

"Wha?" Guren says surprised before she dozed off.

"I'll be back." I say softly in her ears before I lay her on my bed. Taking my eyes of the smiling Guren who was squashing a pillow in her grasp.

Soon after this I started to prepare all the supplies I need like rations and equipment.

"Now that I think about it, I kind of favour Guren a bit too much." I murmur.

Double checking all my equipment, I notify a root shinobi that I'll be on my way.

"Send a message to outpost 09 that I'm on the way, execute take over."

The root shinobi hearing this nods. He proceeds to summons a rat to send a message all the way to the branch Danzo set up in the Land of Waves.


The little rat dissapearing in a puff, makes a little smoke which is the sign for me to get on my way.

'This will take a few days.' I sigh to myself.

'Finally I'm almost there.' I thought to myself seeing the huge bridge. The bridge was still quite a stretch away from land as there were multiple people in rags sleeping to the edges of the bridge.

Rowing the small boat I bought for a one time use, I wait until I'm close to land before parting with it.

The root agents should of gotten everything under "full" control with all of Gatos resources and men under wraps.

We already had Gato under a Genjutsu but he still had a "will" and could do anything that didn't expose or go against root.

"This smells disgusting." I say with a morphed expression. The smell of death isn't something I'm too used to.

This mostly stems from the fact that I'm more of an assassin rather than an upfront battler. So I don't go back to the scans of death much.

Using the [Body Flicker] to speed through the bridge, it took half an hour before I sensed a shinobi with around Chunin reserves out and about.

Quickly finding a free spot to locate him, I realise that it isn't a Root agent and is some sort of missing nin.

'What does someone like him need in the Land of Waves.' I though to myself. Soon after these thoughts though, another few Chunin and one Jounin chakra signatures appeared which were still a few hours away.

'My root agents that Chakra's I recognise aren't too far away, I should knock this guy out and get some info.'

With an extremely though out plan, I started to execute it without fail.


Looking down at the rookie ninja, I could hear him making noise as he sneaked around the forest near the bridge.

Seeing that he was in a bush and unaware of my positioning, I get to a safe spot and use [Sly Mind Affect Technique] which had the guy running in circles without him knowing. It's a rare Genjutsu that's more effective if you time it right rather than in a fight.

"I was just here?" The unknown ninja shouts frustrated. The seventeen year old looking guy started to make stab marks on trees to see if he wasn't mistaken.

'He'll figure it out soon.' I observe. Using my kekkei genkai, I speed next to the guy without revealing my chakra and knock the guy out with a punch to the jaw.


"Oh nah."

Hearing the crack my skin shivers imagining the pain he will be in later on. But for now it's time to loot this guy.


Turning the guy over, I take his supply pouch which had quite a few useful items.

"Smoke bombs, sealed scrolls, kunai…" listing off the items I grab, I feel something metallic which didn't resemble a weapon.

Taking it I realise that it's a headband which resembled a powerhouse of a village, but a crucial detail it had was that there was a slash across.

"Kirigakure missing nin?" I question seeing the the symbol in its full glory.

'Now what would Kiri want with the Land of Waves at this time of the series.'

Well what ever it is, I'll need to solve it before Zabuza gets the request to kill Tazuna. I already knew that my plans were never gonna go as planned, but missing ninjas scouting the Land of Waves is weird.

"It could be the Rebel forces." I say in realisation. It's completely plausible as their still in a desperate state of needing resources to fight off the Mizukage.

'I should kill this guy then. I'll just hide the fact he was here.' I think with a sinister grin. I'm gonna get root to extract all the information he has before making contact with Terumi.

This will give me the upper hand in negotiations when I help them.

Terumi Mei is on my list to befriend and ally which would benefit me a lot. So the word will never go out of me killing one of her men.

With the guy on my shoulders I headed to Gatos mansion which was already taken over by root.