A New Plan + An Announcement

Reimond let out a heavy sigh.

-Haaahhhh... I am sorry, there's nothing else I can get for you from The Conglomerate. I'm afraid that you people are going to be on you own.

Emily looked at him and smiled.

-Well, it's not decided yet. We may not have the support of the whole Conglomerate, but I am sure his excellency will be happy to know that we now have two allies in the city instead of one.

Reimond raised hid eyebrow for a second, but then, he remembered Zaxton's face before he had left Emily and Mark with him, and nodded slightly.

-I see. He probably thpught of it as a desireable backup option... In any case, Thank you for your cooperation on the matter, Jonathan. I hope we'll be able to assist them somehow.

Jonathan came over and nodded.

-Indeed. Actually, I would like your leader to meet up with my son. I think there might be something they could discuss together, since both of them have... A "Realised" dream.

Emily immediately understood.

-Have your son told you anything? Aside from the fact that the dream has become a reality?

-No, well... Not really. All I was told by him, is that the more "Dreamers" we have on our side the better, hence why I decided to trust you.

-Hmm... Right now we are going to reunite with his excellency at the camp, so, how about coming with us? I'm sure you are interested to see wether or not what we are telling you is the truth.

Jonathan raised his eyebrows for a second, but quickly replied.

-Are you not concerned about safety of your people? I understand that half a million people is a lot, but it doesn't mean that bringing a few outsiders would be a safe move.

-We don't have to worry about it, before we left we gave basic orders for people to organise themselves in small teams. We were a country at war, after all. All of our people have recieved military training, and have been ordered to carry arms on them, in case of emergency. As you can see, an emergency did happen, no matter how unbelievable it's nature may seem.

-I see. I guess I'd be happy to follow you to your leader then. Have you had any other plans before returning?

-No, we are ready to guide you there whenever you are ready yourself.

-I see. Then I'll ask my son to meet up with us at the edge of the city. What about you Reimond?

-Hmm... I do actually have some arrangements for today. Anslare should be free though. I'm sure he won't refuse to assist Zaxton however he can, I'll call and ask him to meet up with you there as well.

Emily nodded.

-It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Areaverslee. I wish you a great day.

-You too. Well, let's go. In any case I have to leave the building first.

-Ah, right.

The four of them left the building of The Conglomerate and went on their way.

Once the left, Jonathan led them to the parking lot, where he unlocked his car and invited the pair to sit on the back seat, and once both of them got in they started moving.

Car wasn't what Emily and Mark were used to. Cars that were used back in Engania were either used for public transport, hauling cargo in case there was no way to transport it using rail or as a vehicles for general staff on the battle field, each of which were specialised.

Public transport was comfortable to use, had quick but steady speed and could fit quite a bit of people. It also mostly consisted of electric vehicles connected to the power grid installed all over the cities, since it would be quite bothersome as well as a waste to power all of them separately.

Cargo hauling vehicles were more focused on how efficiently they could utilise Zegrahael in action, and usually were quite large and heavy on turns. The more cargo they could transport while kepping up satisfying speed the better. They would also transport soldiers on the short distance from the border's train stations.

The vehicles of genral staff were a lot smaller and faster. They were used during battles to guide commanders around the battlefield, and had a little bit of armor.

And this car, while reminding them of the cars general staff, was seemingly made firstly for comfort and secondly for speed.

In about 10 minutes they have reached the edge of the city, and once they left the car, Anslare also came out of the city, followed shortly by a yellow car, which dropped off one more person, seemingly of the same age as Anslare.

Jonathan greeted Anslare, and made intrductions.

-This is Gregory, my son. These are Mark and Emily. They are subordinates of another "Dreamer" Zaxton. Mr. Areaverslee decided to support him and his people, and brought it up during the meeting just now. The rest I have already told you over the phone, so I thunk we should get going, right?

-Right. Once we get there I'll ask Mark to find out where his excellency is, and while he's on it I'll answer your questions while we wait for him and while we'll be going.