walk in the rain

On the way back Mina again felt guilty, but this time the feeling was less

'I cheated on my husband for the good of our family, but I have to admit that not having an orgasm is a weakness, I got lost in pleasure and did what I shouldn't have, I need to masturbate more regularly' Mina

Arriving home, Mina sat down to analyze her earnings.

"Tomorrow is the day of the genocide, what I will do depends everything on these gift boxes, system please give me luck, open everything" Mina

*ding open medium gift box, you receive= +10 taijutsu, +10 ninjutsu and a random B rank Jutsu = Lightning Hands Jutsu*

'it's good, but not enough'

*Open big box, you get 500 XP, Jutsu Rank A Chidori, 100 Shop Points and 1 Better Ass Pill = by taking it your ass is promoted and becomes prettier*

*Store system open, congratulations*

*opening large gift box.....crit triggers randomly and you = 500 XP, 100 shop points, +15 points in elemental lightning control and Mythic Pill from chests to promote to S level*

"In total 1000 XP? system use all my XP and promote my level" Mina smile

Gathering all the XP in the day along with 1000 XP now, Mina has become an intermediate Chunnin

In addition, he gained a strong battle jutsu.

[name]: Mina Uchiha

[level] 6 (medium chunnin)

[Status]: Lineage Purity SS, Genjutsu 29/100, Taijutsu 39/100, Senjutsu 1/100, Ninjutsu 49/100

[Elemental Affinity]: Lightning 75%, Fire 60%, Water 0%, Earth 0%, Yin and Yang 0%

*For better understanding, the system has separated your status into two, battle status and good wife status*

Mina observed the new elemental affinity tab and was fascinated, without that then there is a chance for her to gain more affinities and who knows until she develops a kekkei Tota

Then she looked at the two pills in her hand.

"System, what's the use of taking this? I'm just going to get prettier?" Mina

*the higher the status of your body data, the greater the bonus gained in XP and the better the % chance of rare items in packs*

Mina stayed quiet and then took the two pills, these perks are perfect

She felt her ass tingle, her ass began to grow a little more and become softer and rounder.

After that her tits grew even bigger, no doubt she was just like Tsunade now

*good wife status*

[Name]: Mina Uchiha

[body data]: grade S breasts, grade A ass, grade B pussy, grade B fertility, grade B legs

[Good wife skill]: Grade B blowjob, Grade C vaginal sex, Grade D exhibitionism, Grade D anal sex

[Fame]: Hotwife 1% known, 99% good girl (the higher the percentage of good girl the smaller the bonus gained, increase the % of Hotwife)

Mina watched and again got a new tab, this time it was fame but Mina ignored this as she only intended to do this until she had the strength to protect her family and never again

'Chakra at Chunnin level, perfect Mangekyou ... without a doubt I'm powerful, even Itachi having much more experience I think I can protect my family, however there's still 1 day left ... maybe more strength?' Mina

Mine thought about her new active mission, having vaginal sex with Jiraiya, to be honest she wanted it, not just for the reward but for the... pleasure.

When she thought about jiraiya she finally noticed a detail in his battle status

"System, I have 1/100 in senjutsu? Was that wonderful finger?" Mina

*yes, jiraiya's finger used natural energy, some of it entered his body so i took the initiative to direct that energy to his talents*

Mina was impressed, her system may even be a whore's thing but without a doubt it's very kind

"It's time to pick up my kids...I'm going to change clothes"

Mina started to change and put on her bra, but realized it didn't fit anymore.

"Well... they grew up then... it doesn't hurt to use it"

She tried to find blouses or dresses that didn't draw attention to herself without a bra, finally she found a loose white dress, had no cleavage in the dress and absolutely hid her entire breasts

She went out like this, the dress was very conservative so her big bum and huge tits drew a lot of attention, a good wife and mother


Standing in front of the school, Mina was in a good mood.

However the day wanted to spoil it, and a rain started, Mina sighed with bad luck but didn't care after all it was just rain

Soon her two cute children appeared, they were running in the rain and Mine smiled

The 3 walked home when suddenly the system issues some notifications

*you reveal your huge boobs and a man gets horny, gets 4 Xp*

*you reveal your huge boobs and a man gets horny, gets 4 Xp*

"What? System is broken? I'm wearing clothes and...." Mina looked down

When looking down she saw her breasts showing because with the rain her blouse was transparent

'I....shit' Mina

She tried to cover it with her hands, but they were too big.

Your two children in front of you didn't notice anything, after all they are innocent

Mina was ready to run using chakra when the system emits

*epic quest activated, why rush? go slowly and enjoy the walk with your children in the rain, spend half an hour walking to receive rewards = small mythic box*