Naruto, Ichiraku and show for the hokage

Mina walked the streets, wearing a beautiful overcoat and underneath she wore her new mythical transparent blouse, after all, you never know when you'll need it

She went to the mask stand, decided to buy one to wear with her see-through blouse.

If it covers the blouse the attack and defense buff are invalid, however it says nothing about wearing a mask, after all she is a married woman

When Mina was near the store she saw a horrible thing.

The vendor threw a mask violently on a child's head

"Get out of my shop you monster"

The little blond boy on the floor felt the pain of the mask on his head but he didn't cry.

Mina was furious, who is the bastard who mistreats children? she got so mad that she didn't even recognize that the boy was Naruto

"You potbellied old man, what right do you have to hit such a cute little boy!" Mina said angrily

She lost control of her chakra and her aura scared the potbellied salesman

"Miss kunoichi forgive forgive.....but make no mistake, it's not a little boy, it's the demon fox"

Mina looked at the boy and noticed, blond hair and fluffy facial hair

Upon realizing this, Mina only got even more furious with the vendor.

'how dare this imbecile hit my favorite protagonist, bastard....' Mina

Mina controlling her anger managed not to use violence, but her look at the stupid seller was horrible

She took money from her purse and threw it on the ground near the seller's feet, then she grabbed two masks and put them away.

"Come boy" Mina, she took the little boy's hand and walked away

She could feel eyes in the dark watching her and naruto

'I forgot about that, shit luck I only released a chunnin's chakra and I shouldn't draw attention....' Mina


Naruto held the young woman's hand and looked at her strangely.

"Ma'am....are you not afraid?" naruto

Mina stopped walking, knelt down on one leg and stood at naruto's level

"How can I be afraid of such a cute child?" Mina said while pinching naruto's cheeks

Naruto felt his cheeks hurt but strangely he liked it, it was better than insults and aggression

"Boy, how about this, auntie here will take you out to eat!" Mina

"SERIOUS?" excited naruto shouted

"Yes, come" Mina

She grabbed naruto's small hand and led him

walking a little they arrived at the famous ichiraku ramen

"Ask what you want boy" Mina

Naruto sat up excitedly and started ordering various flavors

Mina looked at the cute boy and smiled, her motherly instinct exploded

*Ding, rare mission detected, leave a nice "impression" on Ichiraku, rewards; random summon contract*

Mina listened to the system, this mission was strange but why not?

Mina then proceeded to unbutton her overcoat, leaving it open.

Soon her transparent blouse appeared, her huge breasts were visible

Ichiraku who was happily attending to Naruto suddenly looked at Mina, his eyes became dumbfounded.

*ding, character detected as rare felt hard-on in their boobs, gain 50 xp first time*

*ding, random anbu ninja has the hots for you, 20 XP*

*ding, random anbu ninja has the hots for you, 20 XP*

Mina noticed that she was being watched by the Anbu and laughed, she didn't feel ashamed but that only made her more excited.

Although she doesn't want to cheat on her husband, it's undeniable that she enjoyed the exhibitionism.

"Sir, I'll have one with meat and vegetables" Mina said

"Ahh...yes, that's fine" Ichiraku said while stuttering

Mina smiled and opened her coat more, her transparent blouse fully exposed leaving her wet

Naruto who was eating nonstop looked at Mina and saw that pair of missiles

"Auntie, are you hurt? It's swollen" Naruto

"hahaha silly boy, I look great, it's not swollen it's just natural" Mina

"....will I be like this? I've never seen anyone like this" Naruto

"Don't worry, you won't, you'll be a strong man, but no doubt one day you'll meet someone like that and you'll love a lot" Mina

Mina didn't lie, Hinata is going to be busty so Naruto is much luckier than Sasuke at that

The two ate the Ramen, Ichiraku looked a lot at Mina's big white breasts

Suddenly the system activates

*Ding....a man saw your boobs and felt very horny, character is classified as legendary, gain 300 XP*

Mina who was sucking her noodles thought it was strange, who was it?

She couldn't notice anyone so strong around, only the Anbu who were just jounin

After thinking a bit she came up with a hypothesis

' will it be the hokage? yes that old man has that crystal ball jutsu to spy on people.....' Mina soon understood

Upon learning that the Hokage was looking at her tits, she was not afraid, but excited.

*Ding, epic quest activated, the old hokage likes to observe, so why not put on a good show for him? make the hokage jerk off for you, rewards; mythical big box*

Mina smiled, there were only a few hours left before the massacre, this mythical big box could make her stronger in no time.

Mina concentrated again and went back to eating her ramen

After they finished, Mina paid the check and hugged naruto goodbye

Feeling those melons on his face naruto found it amusing, moreover it was the first affectionate hug he received

"See ya little boy, be careful" Mina

"Yes auntie" Naruto with a mouth full of noodles said

"Here, take this mask as a gift" Mina

Mina took off one of the masks and gave it to Naruto, the huddled young man accepted it.

After saying goodbye, Mina left alone.


She walked down a dark alley, then put a female fox mask on her face.

Then he took off his coat completely, then started to take off his pants.

her panties were tiny and barely covered her white ass

*Ding, the legendary character is very hot on you, get 300Xp*

Mina smiled, she came here in the alley to masturbate and put on a show for the hokage

She bent down and took off her panties, her white ass fully exposed, her little pussy was already dripping

She lay down on the floor, her pretty fingers started to roam her pretty pussy

Soon they entered


Mina was masturbating on the alley floor, with only her see-through shirt on.

In the Hokage's office

Sarutobi was alone in the room, he was wearing his traditional kage outfit, but his dick was out of his pants

he would look at the woman in the crystal ball image and masturbate

It's been months since he had an erection, after all his old wife has no charm anymore

"I didn't know Uchiha girls were so the middle of the street?...." he whispered while masturbating