Chapter 10

Walking back into the village was a sobering moment for Lycurgus. It felt like an eternity even though it had only been a little over two months.

The festival was going in full force with many different faces he hadn't seen either in a long time or at all. He recognized some of the more prominent members of the various islands from his time going with his father to diplomatic meetings. Those times were great experiences for learning and seeing the evolving dynamics between the islands always interested him.

He spotted the Chief of Soren, Toxo talking to his father and decided to duck off without being spotted. He scanned the various faces for a local villager that could tell him where the trials were starting. The beating drums and laughter made focusing hard and he could barely hear his thoughts. He wanted to stay incognito though he knew many eyes were drawn to the lance on his back that he kept wrapped in cloth. Then he saw a merchant that seemed like he would be willing to give him some information.

"Excuse me sir when and where are the trials starting?" the old man looked up from his fish in bewilderment.

"Huh, how can you not know where the trials are being held?" His eyes widened as he got a good look at Lycurgus who put a finger up, signaling secrecy.

"Oh, I see."

The old man said as he started a quiet chuckle.

"Young Lycurgus son of Taryu comes to make a name for himself. Well, the trials are being held in Digya's Pit."

He leaned in closely "This year it's a combat tournament, might be some fierce competition."

Lycurgus had already known it was going to be a combat trial due to it being held in Tiziano.

"Thank you for the information, sir," Lycurgus said bowing his head.

"Shame your mother was banished though she made the finest murals and clothes."

He pointed to Lycurgus' ryuche. "Is that her work?"

Lycurgus looked down and nodded his head.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to get a name for that clothing."

Lycurgus was quite surprised that he found an admirer of his mother's work.

"She called it a Ryuche." The old man nodded his head.

"Okay a Ryuche, I'll remember it. Good luck on your trials young Lycurgus."

Lycurgus wanted to talk to the man more and asked what he planned to do with the information that he had given him, but he knew he had to get to Digya's Pit.

Digya's Pit was located in the northeastern portion of the island of Tiziano. Neighbored by the outstretching sea to the north and the Hanzo plains to the south and west. The cave that they stayed in actually wasn't too far from Digya's Pit, Lycurgus guessed it may have been a half a day's track. The pit was a nature concaved arena, over the last ten years being worked on for comfort. The terrains had lush greenery hanging down, intricately woven cushions to make seating much more comfortable, and even a shading system to keep the sun out of the face of viewers.

This was Lycurgus' first time in the stadium since only men and their wives could view the battles. He saw where all the viewers were going. Looking around once again to ask for directions he saw an elderly woman leaning against the wall, standing in the shade. Although she seemed like she didn't want to be bothered Lycurgus had a feeling she'd help him. In fact, he knew she would, the elders of the island were viewed as the keepers of the youth, and most would never refuse to assist a youth as long as you approached correctly.

"Excuse me, where do the contestants go?"

He asked the elderly woman as he gave a slight bow. She gave him a look, signaling the fact she was not in the mood to help. He flashed a gentle smile while pulling his hair out of his face.

"I seem to be a little lost Ouma."

Ouma was the word youths called older women meaning granny. His playful chuckle didn't seem to move her, but she sighed and pointed to an entranceway. He did a slight bow of thanks and headed in the direction she pointed.

As he walked in, he saw maybe twenty to thirty young men and women all standing around waiting. Some were conversing and laughing while others just stared and looked around.

Lycurgus spied the room quickly looking for a place he could lay low. Seeing a small corner accompanied by a woman holding a bow, he decided to make that his waiting spot. As he approached the spot the young woman shot him an unwelcoming glance, which he simply ignored.

He was done playing nice for the most part, to him the mission was simply to win this battle tournament. He leaned his lance against the wall using it as a support as he sat on the floor.

The woman seemed to be irritated that he ignored her and placed herself in his peripheral, though he wanted to ignore her he couldn't help but notice she was fairly attractive. Sporting unique curly red hair, with amber eyes, spattered with freckles across her tawny brown skin. Her red hair and fair skin were an unusual sight amongst the islands being a signifier for the Akai family.

Lycurgus assumed that she must be related in some way, possibly Chief Akai's daughter or granddaughter. If that was the case, she may have known who he was, not that he really cared his father was going to see him eventually if he hadn't already spotted his giant lance in the village earlier. The girl moved more into his line of sight, and Lycurgus let out a sigh.


He said his stormy grey hair hanging in his fierce green eyes giving him a menacing and unwelcoming look. She didn't seem perturbed or fazed by him in the slightest.

"Who told you that you could be over here?"

She said with a sneer on her face. Lycurgus sneered back at her but relaxed his face. For a second, he forgot he was banished and that he couldn't be considered royal anymore. Though he was used to not being the top dog, he had never been treated as though he was a nuisance so many times in one day. Although he received looks, they were mainly towards his lance, though he did spy some elders who knew him with looks of shock and surprise.

Lycurgus' cold look just turned into one of disinterest. He didn't have time to waste on this girl. She however did not take kindly to being ignored drawing her bow and pointing it directly at his face. He observed her bow, there was no arrow notched on the bow. Tarmata? If it was, she must have had very advanced control. Using raw Tarmata without a source to channel it through was difficult.

"Answer me fish bait."

Lycurgus shot her a warning glance that seemed to make her slightly waver. He trained his eyes on the ground between his legs.

"Look I'm just trying to rest before things heat up. You should do the same."

His voice was calm yet stern and although he only said a few words it seemed to put her at ease.

"Oh, I guess I'm just antsy. My apologies."

She said as she relaxed her bow. Lycurgus gave a nod of acknowledgment and then asked.

"May I get your name? I'm Lycurgus."

She blinked her eyes in surprise "Lycurgus? It's me, Hana."