Chapter 17

Right before the next match, between Azarios and Telokus, Taryu walked back in to accompany Lycurgus.

"Well, you sure must have taken your sweet time handling your business." Lycurgus chined at his father. Not like he truly cared, but he was glad Taryu was back to give him company.

Taryu laughed at Lycurgus' statement "I see you missed your aken. That's good, means you still love me." Lycurgus had a soft smile on his lips "Dad, I'll always love you." Taryu let out a sigh "I only hope that is true son."

They both turned to face the next match. "What did you think about the last one," Lycurgus asked. Taryu scratched his beard "Well if I'm honest I haven't seen a man with that level of spirit in a while. It's no wonder he had the crowd captivated in awe. I'd even say he stole a little bit of Kaji's shine." Lycurgus nodded in agreement, then pointed at Azarios "I've never seen him before in the village how do you know him?"

Taryu's eyes stayed on Azarios who was now engaging with Telokus using his short spear. "He's special, his father is a fisherman named Manoah. They live on the outskirts of the village but bring a bountiful harvest each year." Lycurgus who was now looking at his father asked "Manoah, isn't he the man with a cane always complaining about his back?"

Taryu laughed "Yes that is the one." As Taryu said this Azarios spun off an attack launched by Telokus, tripping him in the process by sweeping his spear at his feet. Telokus scampered away throwing a knife at Azarios who caught it just before it struck his face.

"I don't know Dad he doesn't stand out in any way," Lycurgus said now observing the fight, he squinted his eyes as he watched his movements. They were erratic and sloppy showing no level of fighting prowess. Telokus completely outpaced him but his small stature and frame prevented him from countering effectively against Azarios' bigger frame and natural strength.

Somehow Azarios was staying in the fighting, and with each passing second his fluidity and speed increased. Lycurgus eyed him beginning to see the potential he had. "Is he learning to fight during combat?" he asked his father.

Taryu smiled "He is sea-kissed. I used to bring Manoah and his family food when his back first went out. One day little Azarios asked to come along. He was no older than five, but he single-handly caught over a hundred fish by himself that day. I had never seen anything like it before in my life. Ever since then I've been watching Azarios closely. I convinced Manoah to finally let his boy leave the confines of his home. I feel he will be a great piece for the rise of our village."

"Yes…" Lycurgus squinted his eyes slightly, as he predicted Telokus' next move against Azarios' assault.

Dodging forward, and stepping inside the strike range of Azarios, he shoved him hard with an elbow, while positioning his short sword to break Azarios spear. Lycurgus saw the maneuver coming from a mile away, and although he was sure Azarios was talented he wasn't sold on his purported abilities. Then as it seemed Telokus had Azarios on the retreat, a torrent of water erupted from Azarios' hand, blasting the unsuspecting Telokus into the arena wall with such force Lycurgus wondered if he survived the hit.

Lycurgus blinked his eyes unsure of what he just witnessed. He turned to his father who had a sardonic grin on his face "I told you he was special didn't I?" Lycurgus nodded at his father still slightly in disbelief at what he had seen.

"The boy not only had the ability to learn quickly but he was also able to control the seas. At first, I thought maybe my mind played tricks, but as I spent a few more trips with him I realized he could control the water. I then trained him so he could generate and use it more effectively. Though Manoah forbade me from teaching him the ways of combat." Lycurgus frowned at that last statement. "Why?"

Taryu sighed "Manoah is an old man. He told me that Azarios was a gift from God, told to him by an angel. In return, he made a covenant that Azarios would never cut his hair. He wants Azarios to be a priest, not a warrior. Once he saw his abilities and his great strength, he knew it was only a matter of time before war took Azarios."

Lycurgus looked at Azarios' long pleated hair and the growing beard on his face. To him, he thought Azarios looked like anything but a priest, in fact, he looked more ferocious than the smoothed-faced Telokus. Even so, Azarios still had a calm and gentle demeanor about it, and despite his appearance, only kindness radiated from his being.

"He seems like a good kid," Lycurgus said, partly as a statement and another part as an analysis. Taryu raised an eyebrow. "Don't think he has the killer in him?" Lycurgus shook his head no.

"I don't, he's gentle. He has almost a child-like innocence about him. Makes me feel like Manoah worried for nothing." Taryu's sardonic grin returned to his lips once more at his son's comment.

"A good father knows his children better than any odd stranger. Manoah is not mistaken to wish to withhold Azarios from war and bloodshed. You see Azarios has a rage that burns deep down inside. A rage that if not controlled will bring him much sorrow and heartache. War would only draw out that rage quicker, rather than the woes of a woman."

Lycurgus' face went tart at his father's last comment. 'Woes of a woman, I think you know about that all too well,' he thought in quick, unchecked fury. It had occurred to him that he still held a level of malicious towards his father. Just the mention of women reminded him of why he was here in the first place, and though he blamed his mother primarily, he gave some blame to his father as well.

Lycurgus rubbed his eyes as the anger made him dizzy. His father stepped forward placing a hand on his shoulder "Are you alright?" He asked. Lycurgus took a deep breath and allowed for the anger to subside "Yea, I'm okay dad."

Taryu removed his hand and looked up to where the other chiefs were seated, "I have to get back to the other chiefs. Will you walk with me?"

Lycurgus looked out at the arena, Taezu and Barak had already made their way out of the waiting area. He sighed knowing he could miss some important pieces of the battle "All right I'll walk with you dad." He said as he began to turn away from the battle. He paused for a moment to see Taezu and Barak squaring off against each other, before following his dad out the entranceway.