Chapter 22

The devastation of the arena left it unusable for over thirty minutes. By that time both Kaji and Skorri had regained consciousness and while Kaji decided to still rest, Skorri was invited to sit with the chiefs alongside Hana. When Skorri reached the chief's area the arena had almost completely repaired itself.

"Well, if it isn't the strongest loser?" said a sardonic voice. Skorri turned to see who said it and his eyes fell upon his Toxo.

The blueish-grey long wavy hair, neatly trimmed beard, and immaculate dress wouldn't steer you to believe that Toxo was possibly the strongest chief. Being responsible for pushing back Taryu's campaign to conquer the seas. Knowing these things made the loss weigh heavier on him.

Though peace was achieved, this tournament was more than simply entertainment. It was a display of the strength of each village, especially the tournaments held in Tiziano. At this point, Soren was the weakest village, just due to having no remaining representatives.

"Ah give the boy more credit than calling him a loser Toxo. He went toe to toe with Kaji and gave him all he could handle." Said Harika, soft purple eyes staring at Skorri.

Skorri thought he was going to melt right there, the beauty of Harika was almost mythical and shockingly she even surpassed the rumors. Her shortcut hair was a silvery grey with a long braid that hung down on the right side, which only seemed to accentuate her flawless cocoa-brown skin. Her physic was slender but strong, looking as though she was sculpted from marble. The loose garments hanging off her body in a way that radiated sexuality.

Toxo stared at Skorri for a second and rolled his eyes "I suppose he did great, in a losing effort. His training will be fierce when we return though."

Harika flashed her perfect smile at Skorri, stunning him for another minute. When he finally came to, he took his seat in front of Toxo.

"In all seriousness though it was an amazing fight Skorri. The power you displayed even reminded me of a young Taryu." Toxo said as he placed a hand on Skorri's shoulder.

Skorri slowly looked up to where Taryu sat. He was so stoic that he didn't seem to have any opinion of what Toxo had said. Skorri stared for a minute, and suddenly Taryu's eyes slowly met his gaze.

The two held eye contact for only a moment but the sheer power, murderous intent, and rage Taryu produced unhinged Skorri. Taryu broke eye contact first returning to look over the arena. Toxo had sat there and watched the encounter studying Skorri, he leaned in and whispered, "Hey kid shake back."

Skorri finally released the breath he was holding. He noticed his breath was ragged and heavy, and he had even begun to sweat. His pulse had quickened to a rate that exceeded what it was in the heat of battle. 'Had I really been shaken by just a look?' Skorri thought as his golden-colored eyes drifted back towards Taryu with only a simple question in mind,

'What is he?'

Toxo placed another hand on Skorri, startling him before he started to finally comeback. He realized that the other chiefs had not only noticed it event but were casting their own worried glances at Taryu.

'Did they each doubt their ability to beat him in combat?' Skorri thought.

It was Kyden who finally broke the tension by saying "I hope the next matches are only as entertaining as the one before. Though I'm not sure Nikanor is in any shape to actually fight this match"

"Hmm, you think he'll forfeit?" asked Harika, her surly voice adding a layer of relief to Skorri.

Kyden nodded "Nikanor is a tactician, he knows when he's outclassed, and he knows Taezu's power. Even healthy he'd be no match for Taezu."

Almost as if he was a seer of prophecy, Taezu and Nikanor walked out with Nikanor forfeiting before the match even started.

"Ugh, what's his point of even coming here then?" complained Dynami as he scratched his beard.

"Granddad I think accomplished his true goal in the first round. Though I think if Skorri would have won he would have tried to advance to the next round." Said Hana in a meek voice, she had this defeated look on her face since he had got here and Skorri was surprised to hear her talk.

Skorri took another glance at Taryu when he thought of that round 1 match between Panias and Nikanor. Then another slap hit him square in the back, he was being to regret his seat placement.

"Ah, why's that Skorri? Did you start something?" asked Toxo his voice an odd mixture of genuine curiosity and a cynical threat of punishment. Skorri cleared his throat before saying,

"Ah, it was nothing major I simply spoke true." Hana shot him a look of disapproval, her fiery red hair splayed in front of her amber eyes giving this foreboding feeling. Skorri may have been actually affected by her stare had he not just felt true terror and fear.

"You disagree?" he retorted to Hana's look. Her penance stare eased up as she said, "Telling the truth doesn't mean dishonoring him."

Skorri raised an eyebrow, "So you think he justly won that battle? Sure, he was the victor by circumstance but was he really the strongest?"

Before Hana could retort, Dynami did, "You're not wrong young Skorri, but in battle, all that matters is whether or not you defeat the opponent before you. Strength is only a secondary feature behind victory."

Skorri felt another smack into his back, a little gentler than the last but still annoying, nonetheless. Skorri expected to hear Toxo say something instead he heard the deep voice of Taryu say, "It's just like Hana's match against Lycurgus. Her attack without a doubt was the stronger, but Lycurgus was quicker giving him the clear victory. Battles have so many factors involved in determining the victor that just one of those things going one way or the other can decide who lives or dies."

The statement Taryu made had Skorri beginning to think, 'What were the factors of battle? And what factors tipped the balance in the way of Kaji's favor in his battle?'

"Hmm, I see ole Taryu's got you thinking. I gotta say Taryu you definitely are an impressive one if you made this one actually use his brain." Joked Toxo, but even though he was joking it never ceased to amaze him how observant he was.

"Can I ask why I lost?" Skorri finally got out after deliberating and reviewing his match.

"What is your analysis of the battle?" Kyden asked, Skorri looked at him and answered.

"I never felt like I was outmatched, I landed great hits. Pressed him even better than Admetus despite having a shorter range than him. He was just so durable"

"There's more than meets the eye to Kaji than simply throwing out fire, I wager he has the breath of life technique?" asked Harika turning her eyes to his chief, Dynami.

"I don't actually know, Kaji is from the Axle family of our island. Their ways I do not interfere with."

"Ah boo, come on now Dynami you don't have to lie to us." Said Toxo catching a fierce glance from Dynami. Toxo threw up his hands in defense "Hey, I'm just telling the truth." He then lowered his hands, a sardonic smile coming to his lips as his moon-grey eyes stared through the blueish-grey curtains that shadowed his face, "Unless you wanna prove me wrong."

Dynami's amber eyes seemed to glow with rage at Toxo's not-so-subtle threat. Before he could say anything Taryu spoke saying, "For the sake of peace in the Malunid, no one will be proving anything."

The aura was dense and tense with killing intent and tarmata. It almost made Skorri faint the pressure of the area increased so much. A ringing in his ear could be heard as the voices lost their volume slowly. His stomach felt tight as though he was going to wrench up anything that was in it. His head pounded with an intense headache that made him close his eyes and try to breathe in. He risked opening an eye to see Hana appearing to go through similar pain.

"I guess I wasn't clear, enough."

The word from Taryu was colder than the iciest storm as it completely cut through the tension of the area. The overwhelming pressure was replaced with immeasurable fear, to the point that both Hana and Skorri started shaking. Tears streaked down Skorri's cheeks, and he fought off the urge to defecate and urinate on himself. From the whimper that came from Hana, he guessed she had no success holding off the sensation or was close to bursting.

Thankfully the fear passed quickly as the room area settled, and Hana got up to go use the restroom. Skorri thought about excusing himself as well, but after a few seconds his body settled down and he remained seated. He then heard the cold voice that was now solely associated with fear say,

"Now let's enjoy this next match between Azarios and Kilos."

The smile that accompanied Taryu's words did nothing to ease Skorri's bladder as he got up and excused himself to use the restroom.