Though Kaji had used his technique "Recovery Flame" for the entire duration of the battle between Lycurgus and Taezu he was starting to see diminishing returns. The fatigue that felt embedded in his bones wasn't subsiding as in previous matches. Hearing the roar of the crowd and feeling the powerful tarmata decreasing in the air he figured the battle was over. He let out a sigh and stood up

'I guess I'm reaching my limit,' he thought to himself as he made his way toward the contestant's waiting room.

As he made his way down the hall he ran his hand along the walls, feeling the stone with his fingertips admiring the craftsmanship of the arena. Though he would've gone for more lighting, he nonetheless respected it. He wished he could've been a part of the four-year construction of the stadium.

His thoughts were disrupted by approaching footsteps. With a slight focus, he could tell it was chief Dynami. He stopped and waited for the old man to catch up to him.

"How Kaji, seems you're already heading to the waiting area. How was your recovery this time?"

Dynami had yet to reach Kaji's side when he spoke, but Kaji made no effort to turn around and face him. He simply peered back over his shoulder. His crimson eyes pierced through the veil of his silky, wavy black hair.

"It's beginning to be ineffective, that last battle with Skorri really pushed me to my limit." He responded nonchalantly, Dynami finally reached him placing a heavy hand on his shoulder.

Dynami was significantly older than all the other chiefs, being the last surviving member of the previous generation of chiefs. A burly man with thick red hair that had streaks of silver grey throughout both beard and long curly hair. His amber eyes glowed viciously with an air of dominance and rage that seems to boil just below the surface. There was no façade with Dynami, he spoke straight and without reservation.

"Have you recovered enough for your next bout?" He asked Kaji as they began the trek to the waiting room.

Kaji sighed, "Yes I have…" Dynami raised an eyebrow at his response. "What's wrong Kaji?" He asked in a rare but genuine soft voice.

The weight of Dynami's hand rested heavily on his right shoulder preventing him from freely using that arm, so he ran his left hand thru his hair pulling it out of his face. "It's simple sir, Azarios is a water user. I'm not certain how this clash will go."

Dynami pulled his hand from Kaji's shoulder, "You know what failure means right Kaji?"

Kaji's expression went dark with anger, begrudged he answered, "Yes sir."

Dynami slapped his back playfully, "Don't be like that Kaji," Dynami said in a playful manner. As he said that the enclosed tunnel opened up to the waiting room.

Kaji had figured out that the main waiting room they were in was directly under the elder seating, hence why the loud cheering appeared to be droned out. The elevated seating allowed for the interior room to be more spacious. He also noticed that the opposite waiting room, with a slightly lower ceiling, wasn't symmetrical by design.

Once they were in the room Kaji stopped and turned to face Dynami, "I wouldn't have to be like that if you didn't threaten me." A ginger smile came across Dynami's face. His features were soft and gentle. He rested his hand on his shoulder once more, this time with less weight and force.

"Forgive me Kaji, I'm old and used to using force to get people to cooperate, even my son is not immune to my methods. I just… I want you to push to your limits, you are the future of Navia. I need you to be strong, stronger than everyone else." Dynami moved his hand from his shoulder and turned away, "I will not take your family's land if you lose Kaji."

With that Dynami strolled out of the waiting room. Kaji turned around and faced the exit. He tied his black hair back, wishing he had braided it before the festival and walked out towards the arena with a smile plastered on his face.

The stadium had known to be quiet at this point, no cheers were made, no applause just the anticipation of the fight. Even the chief stood by in case they had to reinforce the stadium from the fight. The silence was just as potent as the energy that radiated from the two.

Kaji let his energy increase, the temperature rising as he did so. Azarios was already at work channeling his energy to his hands. Kaji sensed this and raised an eyebrow. He let his hands ignite, bright lively flames dancing over his palms and knuckles. Azarios let water pool around his own hands, the water beginning to spin like mini typhoons over his hands.

Kaji dashed first, speed quicker than Azarios could react. Kaji's first blow landed squarely against Azarios' jaw, followed by a quick blow to the gut. Kaji strung the combo together with a flurry of fiery blows. All Azarios could do was eat each and every punch, knee, and elbow. Even when he raised his hands to defend Kaji somehow managed to find the gap and still strike him squarely. Kaji ended his combo with a furious punch to the face that sent Azarios sliding across the ground of the arena.

A smile stretched across Kaji's face as he looked down at Azarios in the dirt, "Well, I thought you were going to be a little more challenging than this." Though Azarios couldn't see Kaji's face he could hear every ounce of smugness enriched in his voice. Kaji began a slow pace toward Azarios reigniting his right hand ablaze.

"Hmmhaha, I'm guessing you'll be just as prideful as the last ones huh? If that's the case, I'll finish you off here and now. I need to save my energy for real challenges." With each step Kaji took the flame grew hotter and hotter, till it glowed white once he reached Azarios.

He looked down at Azarios, his smile faded away as he raised his hand clenching his fist. Azarios hadn't moved and still had his face on the ground. Kaji looked at him and sneered, "You know I honestly expected better from you."