Golden Fruit

Hearing Seth's answer, various thoughts came running through Alice's head as she silently watched Seth uncaringly go about his meal.

"Do you also feed on human beings?" Alice asked in an almost whispered voice.

"So far I haven't, but who knows what might happen in the future," Seth said.

"And what of Dorian, would she also begin eating raw flesh?".

"Like you said, am also new to this, so I have no idea how Dorian will eventually turn out," Seth said, and then relaxing into his chair turned to Alice.

"We all want power, but tell me Alice what is it that has you wanting power so desperately, you're a president and should have everything you want, but here you are more than ready to dance to my tunes and even put the future of the whole Ergand federation at stake?".

Seth's question brought about some silence from Alexia who seemed to be deep in thought, and it wasn't until a minute later that she replied.