Hunting Fleeing Prey

Back when Seth fought Diana, he had to feed on Amelia's blood in order to be able to heal his injuries, but after breaking through two levels, his body had become powerful enough to heal on its own, capable of supplying the origin energy need to heal his injuries and given the extent of his injuries, a large amount of it had been needed to keep his body from burning to ashes, and though he succeeded in keeping himself alive, his new healing prowess didn't protect him from one thing, Pain.

Pain, at the moment Seth didn't know which was worse, that of his transformation or the current one, but Seth refused to utter the slightest sound to display his anguish as he clamped down on his teeth

Seth just hadn't been burnt in unending flames, with every regeneration he initiated, he had practically offered himself up for a new round of pain as the just healed flesh got burnt once more while the blood within him remained ever boiling.