Second Breach

Irene was gone, Seth didn't see any sliced or crushed body sliding down the already closed hole, so he guessed she was safe.

Looking at the direct bottom of the wall wasn't feasible for Seth, so he had decided to wait for some time and confirm Irene's safety.

Barely a second had passed before Seth was forced to immediately leave his position to avoid a cannon blast

"Gong, gon, gong," Several bells began ringing in the city.

Seth wasn't surprised by what was happening, he had just pierced through the city lifeline even if it was just for a second, basically declaring himself its number enemy, at this point, Edwin might now even bat an eye sacrificing half the city just to kill him.

Like a dead city revived, cannon balls and arrow beams began soaring towards Seth from both the cannons that were on the sections of the wall, and from the building which stood opposite to his position on the wall.