Appropriate Qi

Concentrating all the power in his body in his leg, Seth's kick hit with a "boom" and without delay sent the figure just escaping the barrier shooting to the ground, a large explosion erupting as the person tried to employ their qi to soften their landing but alas Seth's kick proved too strong.

Standing in the air, Seth kind of hoped his stalker was who he thought it was as the joy he would receive from launching such a kick would be triple what he was currently feeling.

Not wanting to lose his target, Seth had his soulsense trained and locked on the person, his eyes peeled and focused, staring at the billowing cloud of dust that rose off the ground.

"Has to be the strongest kick I've launched since my last breakthrough" Seth thought, impressed with the large area his kick had affected, and wondering how strong a qi empowered on will be.

"Don't bother, you can't escape Rias."