Flames In The Calm

Though she had failed to pick up on the cues, and it had been too late by the time Basco's warning came, when the chance came, Alice didn't fail to seize it. Though she wouldn't tell anyone, watching the tall roots wide rota sprout off the ground and quickly tower above her before she could understand what was happening, Alice had been sent into panic, a situation which the feelings of life-threatening danger that engulfed her did not help.

No matter how much she had sent her dantian spinning and her Qi pouring out of her, just being beneath the gigantic roots, Alice had been thoroughly suppressed. Her red greatsword the only thing she had to rely on, but even then, as she swung it around and chopped at the smaller roots that came wanting to seize her, she found herself needing to exert nearly all her strength just to hack them apart.